Reinvention is an essential act, as necessary for cities as it is for people. Especially artists.
Craig Matis has been shapeshifting his art/music project Uzizi regularly since the early 1980s, and for the first time, they showcase at Nighttown this week. The Chagrin Documentary Film Festival has evolved over the past 10 years, as has author, journalist and musician Afi Scruggs, celebrating her 65th as Electric, Eclectic Afi.
Of course, getting things off the ground is always the first step. And we love being there to offer our support. Come vote to award $2000 to one of seven entrepreneurs selected to pitch their ideas at Crafty Mart’s Creative Catapult. Or witness student garden teams face off at Refresh Collective’s Freshtoberfest. Or be there as Sarah Davachi creates electroacoustic soundscapes at the Transformer Station. We’re all about transforming. –Thomas Mulready

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Photo by Laura D’Allesandro, courtesy Cleveland Photo Fest
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Musician/artist Craig Matis has been fronting one version or another of his shapeshifting band UZIZI since the early 80s. Back then, its blend of world music, jazz, folk and rock, augmented with visuals based on Matis’ own art work, was like nothing else in Cleveland.
Expanding and contracting like a breathing organism, the group has ranged from 10-18 members over the last decade, with each incarnation providing a slightly different experience. Usually they play house parties and other off-the-beaten-path gigs but you can catch them this week at Nighttown. Fri 10/4.
Ten years ago, Mayor Frank G. Jackson announced a 10-year initiative to engage all citizens to work together to design and develop a thriving and resilient region. While this initiative culminates in 2019, 50 years after the infamous 1969 Cuyahoga River fire, the work continues.
Join over 500 stakeholders on Wed 10/16 at Cleveland Public Auditorium for the Sustainable Cleveland Summit, featuring leaders from business, nonprofits, government, media and education. Together, we’ll celebrate celebrate and build off ten years of progress to create Cleveland’s sustainable future. Topics include re-growing the tree canopy, providing safe and equitable transportation options, reaching 100 percent clean energy, and much more. Join us!

Do you see movies to be enlightened, outraged or entertained? No matter what your motivation, you’ll find plenty to suit your tastes among the 83 films screening over five days at the 10th annual Chagrin Documentary Film Festival, taking place at various venues in Chagrin Falls.
The Fest includes shorts and feature-length films, work by respected documentarians and student, topics such as the environment, history and culture, inspiring personal stories, horrific tales of genocide and extinction, and lighter fare such as Catwalk, a behind-the-scenes look at the world of cat shows. Wed 10/2-Sun 10/6.
SPONSORED: DANCECleveland presents Parsons Dance performing an evening of mixed repertory works that will include the visual illusion of audience favorite Caught. This family-friendly performance will showcase the uplifting dance company’s stunning dancers and effortless movement, making everyone, young and old, fall for dance. One performance on Sat 8/10 at 7:30PM at The University of Akron’s EJ Thomas Hall. Tickets 330-972-7570 or DanceCleveland.org.

Recently, the 60-year-old Columbus-based nonprofit Ohio Arts Professionals Network announced the appointment of Cain Park Social media/marketing coordinator Jessica Rosenblatt (seen here, left, with her wife, musician Diana Chittester) as its executive director. Rosenblatt hosted a networking event at Nighttown, with both arts presenters and performing artists in attendance.
Rosenblatt explained how the organization serves both sides of that equation, helping presenters book their seasons and artists find places to perform, and how she plans to work on expanding its membership and services even more to include media, licensing, legal work, videography and photography. With its ED based here in NE Ohio, hopefully more area performers (musicians, dancers, comedians etc) will connect with OAPN and take advantage of what it has to offer.

VIDEO: Leonard Bernstein: The Power of Music at The Maltz
One of the greatest American composers of all time, Leonard Bernstein touched millions of people with his music. From his popular programs for children to his respected Classical compositions to his celebrated Broadway masterpieces, Bernstein’s legacy lives on.
Visit the Maltz Museum of Jewish Heritage through March 1, 2020 to catch Leonard Bernstein: The Power of Music, a multi-media exploration of his life, his music and his enormous personality. CoolCleveland spoke with curator Ivy Weingram, who spent three years assembling the artifacts, photos, videos and interactive exhibits illuminating the life and work of this giant of American music.

Cleveland author, journalist and musician Afi Scruggs bills her upcoming show at the BOP STOP, where she’ll celebrate her 65th birthday, as “Electric, Eclectic Afi.” Go hear her live up to this description! Sun 10/6
Read more picks by Anastasia Pantsios here

This October, make it a point to experience Melt Bar and Grill’s Voodoo Zombie Chicken Melt (pictured). Are you experienced? Start with grilled jerk chicken, add some fried and smashed plantains, a few pickled peppers, a splatter of peach habanero marmalade, a slathering of pepper-jack cheese, then dust the whole thing with a a double helping of special zombie dust seasoning!
Big News! The Vegan Macaroni & Cheese is here! Melt’s signature ultra “cheesy” vegan mac & cheese comes mixed up with some deliciousness! Check out the Maniacal Macaroni and Cheese and other dishes that are available vegan. Vegan mac & cheese is also available as a side with any sandwich. Finally: Calling all Pinball Wizards! Join the Melt Independence Pinball Tournament on Thu 10/17.

WED 10/2
Gamelan Cudamani comes from a village in Bali known for its arts-related tourism. But this ensemble of ethnic dancers and musicians isn’t waiting for you to come to them: they’re on tour and performing at Tri-C’s eastern campus.
Click here for more events on Wed 10/2

THU 10/3
Seven local entrepreneurs were selected to pitch their ideas at Crafty Mart’s Creative Catapult, where you can have food and drinks while you mull over who to cast your vote for to win $2,000.
Click here for more events on Thu 10/3

FRI 10/4
Catch Vanity Crash fresh off their show When Andy Met Lou, at a rare club gig at the Maple Grove Tavern ripping through their terrifying original material, plus Velvet Underground tidbits. Also Lords of the Highway and Soraia on Little Steven’s Wicked Cool Records.
Click here for more events on Fri 10/4

SAT 10/5
At the Morgan Concservtory’s fall party, you don’t just get to eat, drink and dance to a DJ, although you can do all of that too. You can also get your hands wet – literally – by doing some paper making, marbling, printmaking and indigo dyeing.
Click here for more events on Sat 10/5

SUN 10/6
Despite what you may have heard, immigrants enrich our community both economically and culturally. The Cleveland Museum of Art celebrates them during its International Day, which kicks off with a naturalization ceremony and includes performances, art tours and opportunities to interact with immigrant organizations.
Click here for more events on Sun 10/6

MON 10/7
Through the end of October, the Akron Zoo is open seven days a week. That means more opportunities to see baby snow leopard Baya, who was born in April. She and mom Shanti are usually in their habitat each day from 10am-2pm (they have a page to keep you updated). And seriously, what better way to start your week than by checking out a couple of cool cats?
Click here for more events on Mon 10/7

TUE 10/8
The monthly Dark Room open mic at the Church at CPT gives writers of all types the chance to hear their work in progress read or performed by whatever willing actors/readers happen to show up.
Click here for more events on Tue 10/8

WED 10/9
Joe Bob Briggs is a persona created by a Texas writer who covers B-movies in the voice of a self-styled redneck. He’ll be at the Capitol Theatre talking (humorously) about the history, role & culture of the redneck in America.
Click here for more events on Wed 10/9
Send your cool events to: Events@CoolCleveland.com
If blacks that supported Obama had turned out for Clinton she would have easily won. The trick is, how can more blacks be convinced to get out and vote in 2020? One way would be to put one of two wildly popular black women on the Democratic ticket…
* Updating My Last Post In my last article, I suggested that either Michele Obama or Oprah Winfrey run for vice-president on the Democratic ticket. I suggest this simply because, while all elections are part popularity contests, our upcoming 2020 presidential election…
* The Demise of the Fanny Lewis Law One of the most despicable tropes echoed by enemies of black progress is that blacks don’t want to work, when those enemies often do everything in their power to keep us locked out of everything but…
* Mea Culpa Saving the republic has to be the order of the day, and to do that we have to win the upcoming election. But people like Candace Owens are getting paid to make sure that doesn’t happen…
Read other stories from Mansfield Frazier here
A look back at the last week
Submit your own review or commentary to Events@CoolCleveland.com

PHOTOSTREAM: Ingenuity Festival by Anastasia Pantsios
PHOTOSTREAM: When Andy Met Lou @ Jilly’s Music Room by Anastasia Pantsios
MUSIC REVIEW: Mavis Staples Honors @ PLayhouse Square by Jordan Davis
THEATER REVIEW: The Music Man @ Great Lakes Theater by Roy Berko
THEATER REVIEW: The Music Man @ Great Lakes Theater by Laura Kennelly
THEATER REVIEW: Paradise Blue @ Karamu by Roy Berko
Read and comment here: http://www.coolcleveland.com/blog
What will you/we become?
–Thomas Mulready
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