07.29-08.05.2020 Education


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Learning To Learn


There are two types of people during this crisis. 

Those who are stressed and anxious because they are learning new apps, hardware and ways of working. And those who are waiting for things to return to how they were. The former are staring at months and months of pain, frustration and steady progress as they create a new world. The latter are toast.

At CoolCleveland, we celebrate the confused pioneers, asking questions, trying new things, always on unsteady ground, not sure about much. Fairly sucking at what they’re doing, but sucking less and less every day. CWRU’s director of innovation and technology Ian Charnas wasn’t sure if masks really did anything, so he did his own experiment and make a fun video.

BW is famous for its musical theatre grads becoming Broadway stars, so they are busy exploring new ways to train future artists to put on shows for the public while working together in close proximity. Grammy-winning Apollo’s Fire musicians offer virtual music lessons. CoolCleveland talks with John Zitzner of the overachieving Breakthrough Schools about how they are navigating the pandemic with classes starting (remotely) in just weeks.

So what will it be? Are you learning… or waiting?

–Thomas Mulready

Photo by Thomas Mulready



Breakthroughs During COVID

Breakthrough Schools is a network of free, public charter schools, founded in 2010, which are outperforming all eight urban school districts while serving 3600 students in “high-need neighborhoods” in the Cleveland area, 99% of whom are minorities and 79% of whom are low income.

CoolCleveland spoke with Breakthrough Schools founder John Zitzner, who is now president of Friends of Breakthrough Schools, about the challenges schools are facing as the pandemic continues and fall classes are about to begin.  Read More


It’s Science, Kids!

In an entertaining video, CWRU engineer/artistic innovator Ian Charnas demonstrates how masks work, with experiments you can do at home!  Read More

Dancing Wheels Previews Postponed Premiere

Dancing Wheels was going to debut its new work, A Midsummer Night’s Dream, at Cain Park this month. Instead it will do virtual excerpts taped in area gardens August 21 and 22. Get your tickets now.  Read More

New Performance Paradigms

Baldwin Wallace is known nationally for its outstanding music and theater programs. It’s now exploring safe, creative ways to give its students full educational and performance opportunities.  Read More

Getting Books to Kids

Cleveland’s Kids’ Book Bank distributes 60,000 books a month to low-income and at-risk families. Many of its partners are currently closed so it’s looking for new distribution avenues. See if you can help!  Read More

Learn History Online

The Western Reserve Historical Society offers a wealth of educational resources on its website to explore Cleveland’s diverse and fascinating history.  Read More

Rocking Out Safety

The students at the School of Rock are learning how to play in bands with masks and keeping their distance. No more sharing mics like John & Paul!  Read More


Fall Classes Now Enrolling

Chagrin Falls’ Valley Art Center is known for the array of art classes it offers for all ages and skill levels. This fall, those classes will be happening with a mix of virtual and onsite elements — the latter limited for social distancing.  Read More

World-Class Music Lessons

Musicians from the Grammy-winning Apollo’s Fire ensemble are offering virtual music lessons for both kids and adults on various instuments and vocals. Read More

Teaching the Importance of Water

Drink Local Drink Tap Cleveland is offering a STEM-focused curriculum for free to area schools, focusing on access to clean water, protecting our water sources and climate change.  Read More

Making Music Together Virtually

The Sing and Swing program, for kids up to age 7, is usually an interactive group affair. The organization in now offering a program for little kids that involves online elements while engaging parents to add the live component.  Read More

Beck Center In-Person Classes Return

Beck Center for the Arts has announced that its fall session includes both in-person and online classes, with 145 classes for all ages, skills and abilities.  Read More

Library Resources for Kids

Keep kids prepared for what’s likely to be an unsettled school year with storytelling, music and pre-K literacy, math and social skills programs offered online by the Cleveland Public Library.  Read More

Get That High School Degree

Promise Academy can get teens who didn’t thrive in traditional school settings on the fast track to graduate with a diploma.  Read More


Wall Transformed

Graffiti HeArt’s colorful building on Superior Avenue stands out with its brightly painted walls. It’s going to stand out even more after internationally celebrated public art maker Beau Stanton drops in for a week to paint a mural on its side wall. Come down and watch; they’ll even be serving hot dogs!  Read More



WED 7/29
Keyboard Whiz Kids
Piano Cleveland’s international competition is virtual this year, with 30 contestants, ages 18-32, from around the world.* Moe’s in Mentor offers taco kits to benefit the Lake Humane Society.


THU 7/30 
Rockin’ Outside
Bassist/keyboard player/vocalist Afi Scruggs plays rock/blues/jazz/gospel at the Rock Hall’s Beer Garden concert series.* Play Virtual Trivia with the Akron Art Museum staff.* Four NE Ohio artists are featured in Ohio Arts Council show opening today in Columbus.


FRI 8/1

Verb Ballets has taken its summer program, “Classical Variations,” online, presenting two classical ballets that show off the company’s diverse skills.

* “Bach for Humanity” at Trinity Cathedral features Cleveland Orchestra cellist Mark Kosower.


SAT 8/1
Shopping in the Meadow
The Peninsula Flea is back, with local handmade, upcycled & collectible vendors in the bucolic, rustic setting of Heritage Farms.* Tremont’s re-opened Prosperity Social Club has picnics to enjoy in Lincoln Park across the street.La Cosecha Gallery re-opens with live music and socially distanced art tours.


SUN 8/2
Helping Future Restaurateurs
Join chef Doug Katz for an online cooking class that will help fund scholarships in Tri-C’s hospitality management program. * French guitarist Claude Bourbon performs virtually through Hudson Library.


MON 8/3
Socially Distanced Biking
Bike Cleveland’s mass cycling Fundo was canceled for this year, but now through August 15, it’s inviting cyclists to bike one of three routes on their own.* Artist Susie Frazier urges people to connect with nature for their health — and support the artists of Gordon Square.


TUE 8/4
Playing in the Dirt
Famous land artist Robert Smithson did a residency at KSU in 1970, shortly before he created his landmark “Spiral Jetty.” KSU Downtown Gallery show takes a look back.* International Women’s Air and Space Museum offers take-home Rocket Kits for budding aviators.




Larry Householder — The Poster Boy for Republican GreedOhio House Speaker Larry Householder, who was arrested by the FBI on July 22 for an alleged $60 million bribery scheme, had humble beginnings in southeast Ohio. But, as our columnist C. Ellen Connally lays out, his outsized ambition led him to mastermind what could be “likely the largest bribery scheme ever perpetrated against the State of Ohio…”  Read More 



What’s Next for Householder et al.?The fact is, getting slapped with a federal indictment triggers something akin to the “five stages of grief: denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and finally acceptance.” All of those indicted are in the denial phase at present, attempting to screw up their courage by telling themselves and anyone willing to listen…  Read More 

The Case for Reparations — Part One

Harvard Law Professor Charles Ogletree, the leader of Harvard’s Reparations Assessment Group, said, “We will be seeking more than just monetary compensation … we want a change in America. We want full recognition, and a remedy, of how slavery stigmatized, raped, murdered and exploited millions…”  Read More

The New Willie Horton Ad

And now, all of a sudden, tRump is interested in the well-being of citizens in the inner-city neighborhoods of cities like Chicago, Detroit and Cleveland. He has dispatched federal officers to Chicago to supposedly deal with the gun violence there. But my question is, why now?…  Read More


Are you teaching or learning?

-Thomas Mulready






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