Beck Center Offers a Mix of Online & In-Person Fall Classes

Lakewood’s Beck Center for the Arts has announced that it is opening its doors for a fall season of “robust” in-person and online arts programming for all ages, abilities and skill levels. The center will open to the public with in-person classes starting August 31 and online classes September 9. It will offer 145 weekly classes, including 64 online and 77 in-person.

Beck says, “Accommodations have been created to keep students, families, faculty, and staff safe while creating arts experiences on campus. Face coverings will be required for all individuals ages 6 and older. Social distancing marks will be present in all learning spaces, and clearly marked throughout the three buildings.  Hand sanitizer will be available at all entrances, and in each classroom and studio space. A 15 minute break will be instituted between classes to ensure that spaces may be cleaned.”

Beck Center’s classes and lessons online will use Google Classroom and Zoom to connect with students. Now, the time has come to reopen the campus to the public on August 31, with in-person classes, and online classes, beginning on September 9.

For a full line-up of courses and to register go here.

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