Susie Frazier Shares Her Nature-Based Art & Urges Art Lovers to Support Gordon Square

Touching a tree is good for your health. Do what Susie is doing!

Nature-based artist Susie Frazier, one of the original artist/tenants of 78th Street Studios and a catalyst for the Gordon Square Arts District, writes with some good advice,

“I’ve been getting into nature even more lately, and it’s become clear that I MUST do this to stay level-headed. There are so many tools out there for reducing stress, but sometimes they just aren’t effective. Honestly, touching earth’s textures works EVERY time. Biophilic immersion is an activity that keeps our mind occupied with intriguing visuals and helps us break our patterns of internal rumination. When we sit outdoors, quietly observing from any vantage point, we can literally feel the energy of the landscape soothing our psyche. If your head has been overwhelmed or your heart has been holding pain, please try to remember Mother Nature has a place for you too — no matter where you are in your life.”

It’s good advice, and it’s what underlies her art, which is based on stone and wood and other found elements. She’s currently having a 20% off summer sale so it’s a great time to check out the household items and wearables she offers to hopefully enhance your wellbeing on her website.

She also tells us, “An art district I helped design seriously needs your help. Due to the effects of COVID-19, Gordon Square Arts District retailers like me have suffered severe losses in revenues and still see only limited customers. Lots of us have applied for relief from the federal and local government, but many gaps remain. Thankfully, anonymous local donors have generously offered to match donations up to $50,000 for a “Fast Forward Fund” so we can have a better chance to stay alive during this pandemic. Prioritization is being given to minority-owned and women-owned businesses. If you have a little to spare, please help Gordon Square reach its goal, so more of us have an opportunity to receive funding.”

Thousands of Clevelanders have derived pleasure from the monthly social/cultural/artistic Third Friday events at Gordon Square’s 78th Street Studios (currently happening on only a scaled-down basis). They’re probably Cleveland’s liveliest and most essential regular art events. If you are able, help keep the artist/tenants on their feet!

Go here to learn more and contribute.

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