Perhaps it’s the buzz of the fast-approaching Super Bowl that has me thinking about how art and sports are more alike in this sports town of Cleveland than we might think. The parallels are how foundations, city and county arts agencies, and other regional cultural leadership insiders model the professional sports franchises’ power structures.
I wrote “We Are the Champions“ a few weeks ago for CoolCleveland’s CULTURATI column about the true champions in town. The op-ed celebrated the countless artists, creative businesses and nonprofits that truly hold the key to championing the arts in this region. This town has experienced a rivalry between two factions the AFL (the Arts Fearless Leaders) and the ACN (Artists, Creative Businesses and Nonprofits). The current AFL make the offensive calls while never having played the actual game. The AFL sit comfortably in their lofted loges, developing arts and culture for the region… Read more.