Wed 2/14 @ 10-11AM
Doris Salcedo’s 1996 installation Atrabiliarios (Defiant) is one of the most powerful, disturbing and thought-provoking pieces in the Akron Art Museum. In a recess in the gallery wall are a series of worn shoes, only faintly visible behind a curtain made from cow’s bladder sewn to the wall. She was asked to do the piece by families of Los Desaparecitos — “The Disappeared” — people who were taken from their homes during the drug violence and political upheavals prevalent in some South American countries, including Salcedo’s native country Colombia, never to be seen again and often identifiable in mass graves only by their shows. The families provies the shoes she used to create the piece.
Local artist/educator from Argentina Maria Alejandra Zanetta will lead a “Coffee with the Collection” conversation, on Atrabiliarios (Defiant). Go here to register.