Fri 2/9 @ 6PM
Longtime northeast Ohio journalist/columnist Connie Schultz, who won a Pulitzer Prize for her Plain Dealer columns, has published a memoir, a collection of her columns and a novel. Now she’s on to something new: her first children’s picture book, likely inspired by her seven grandchildren.
Created in partnership with illustrator Sandy Rodriguez, Lola and the Troll is described as the story of a girl named Lola who stands up to a bully. We’re told “it’s about remembering how to be brave, even when it’s hard, and realizing that sometimes even a bully needs a little kindness.” In other words, it should be a big hit at Drag Queen Story Hours, corrupting kids by teaching them to be nice to people and “grooming” them to be good people.
Connie will be at Loganberry Books on Larchmere, signing copies of her book on Friday February 9 at 6pm. If you want a signed copy but can’t get to the event, go here to get one to pick up later or have shipped to you.