11.23-11.30.2022 Welcome Back


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Welcome Back


Just hanging out.

For the 20 years that CoolCleveland has been around, native Clevelanders who’ve fled to greener pastures (or just for more green) come back in droves on the Wednesday before Thanksgiving to be with family. And after a couple days of that, they are ready to catch up with old friends on the town.It starts out easy with some groovy vibes from jam band Sunshine Daydream on Wednesday, but really gets going over the weekend. Of course, it’s polka weekend for the 58th time in a row, plus Little Italy’s Moonstruck Gallery is branding it Plaid Friday. Akron’s got Winterblast on Friday and Cleveland’s got Winterland on Saturday. Larchmere’s got their holiday stroll, and CoolCleveland’s own Anastasia Pantsios shows her photos in a talk at the Cleveland Photo Fest.

Made Cleveland keeps it local and handmade, Ballet Theatre of Ohio keeps it traditional with The Nutcracker, and Genghis Con keeps it edgy with indie presses & artists. Tickets just went on sale for the spectacular live show, Cracked Actor, celebrating the anniversary of Aladdin Sane with shows in Cleveland, Akron & Cleveland Heights. It’s good to have you back.

–Thomas Mulready

Photo by Thomas Mulkready



Maker Markets Galore

We’ve told you this before but one of the best things you can do to boost northeast Ohio’s economy is to shop local. The money that you spend at a locally owned business or with an artisan at a makers’ market stays in the area and circulates.

The holidays offer a wealth of chances to spend your gift dollars with local merchants, galleries, artists and craftspeople instead of at a big box chain store. And November 26 is Small Business Saturday! Starting in earnest this weekend, you’ll find holiday markets and shops all over town. We’ve rounded up a bunch for you. Read more



Google Cleveland Arts & Culture

Cleveland has been added to Google Arts & Culture, one of six American cities to be featured on the global platform. It includes 18 local institutions from the Rock Hall to the Cleveland Cultural Gardens to the Museum of Natural History, and shares video, photos, and virtual tours of art works, landmarks, restaurants and even the music photography of CoolCleveland editor Anastasia Pantsios. Read more



Cracked Actor

Bowieologist Thomas Mulready partners with glam rock superstars Vanity Crash to mark the 50th anniversary of the David Bowie’s classic album Aladdin Sane in a performance featuring live original and Bowie music in a dazzling presentation entitled, Cracked Actor. Tickets have just been announced for shows in Cleveland, Akron & Cleveland Heights.

These presentations feature a spectacular light show, Bowie hits and deep cuts, interviews with members of Bowie’s legendary band The Spiders From Mars, and a slew of new original songs by Vanity Crash, all performed in the glam punk style foreshadowed by Bowie’s kaleidoscopic musical phases, which influenced punk, post-punk, glam, new wave, goth, new romantic, and decades of styles since. Read more.



WED 11/23
Nature In Winter
Lake Metroparks Candy Land is back, with indoor and outdoor activities and a focus on birds, through January 1.* Get into some groovy vibes with jam band Sunshine Daydream.


THU 11/24
Walk Off the Turkey
The Cleveland Metroparks suggests that a brisk walk on one of its many trails is the perfect way to counteract holiday overindulgence. Check out their list of “10 Hikes to Get Your Blood Pumping.”* Come hang out (or play) at the Grog Shop on Jamsgiving.





MON 11/28
Collaborating to Help
A group of local small nonprofits that provide services to those in need are joining together to raise awareness and money, and tonight they’re hosting a party to share their missions.* British royal family researcher Andrew Morton talks about his new book on Queen Elizabeth II.


TUE 11/29
Holiday Magic
The Intercontinental Hotel lights a tree with more than 7,500 ornaments in its lobby. There are gingerbread houses, a Chanukkah Menorah and a Kwanzaa KInara too.


WED 11/30
Talking About Rights
Women’s rights legal expert Fatima Goss Graves talks about the threats to and future of reproductive rights in the U.S. at the City Club.* Maltz Museum forum looks at rekindling Black/Jewish relationships.




Fifty-Nine Years of Gun Violence

While individuals can no longer buy a gun by mail as easily and anonymously as Oswald, a quick Google search provided me with information about the availability of mail order weapons. The only difference is that now the weapon must be shipped to a federally licensed gun dealer and must be picked up from the dealer, where I assume proper identification must be provided. But guns are also readily available at many big box and sporting goods stores, gun shows, private dealers, and of course, on a street corner near you…  Read more.

MetroHealth announced this week that its CEO, Dr. Akram Boutros, who has led the hospital system for nearly 10 years, has been fired. The firing comes on the heels of revelations that Boutros had given himself more than $1.9 million in unauthorized bonuses over the last four years… Clearly, there are several sides to this story. Whether the truth comes out in the court of public opinion or a court of law will be up to state and federal prosecutors. As of right now the scenario sounds like what many lawyers say about the facts in divorce cases — there’s his side, her side and the truth…  Read more.

Kudos to Cleveland State Trustees

The board of trustees of Cleveland State University voted this week to remove the name Cleveland-Marshall from the College of Law. The college will now be known as the CSU College of Law. We cannot ignore the reality that Chief Justice John Marshall bought and sold hundreds of slaves throughout his adult life and did not free any of them; nor can we ignore his troubling beliefs, statements and actions relating to slavery. His actions and views are contrary to our commitment to justice, equity, diversity and inclusion…  Read more.



Say hi to the family for us.-Thomas Mulready
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