01.11-01.18.2023 Wake Up

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Wake Up


Your sleepy head.

Put on some clothes, get out of bed. 20 years on, CoolCleveland has been the loud voice in the room, urging us to shop local, to appreciate our communities, and mainly, to get up, get out and do stuff. The pandemic put a crimp on things, but we’re hoping it’s not permanent. This week, there’s a lot of good reasons to get out of bed early and stay out late.Peter Lawson Jones, the acclaimed Cleveland actor, was recently featured in the new Tom Hanks film, which he will screen to raise money for his scholarship fund. The other musician whose birthday is on January 8 is being celebrated by roots rockers the Lustre Kings. A Unitarian Universalist forum examines how the January 6th insurrection could impact our 2024 elections. Classical Revolution returns to its home at the Happy Dog. Find out if Brady really leapt into the Cuyahoga in Kent at a tap talk in a brewery. Summit Artspace in Akron opens no less than five new shows. And CoolCleveland rounds up a half dozen MLK Day activities at area arts & cultural institutions, all of them free.

It’s time we wake up and take seriously the issues of mental health, and our show Cracked Actor, which celebrates David Bowie’s birth and death anniversaries this week, also examines how he fired his creativity by nurturing his own mental health. We’re at CLE Urban Winery this Fri 1/13 and BOP STOP this Sat 1/14. The alarm clock is ticking.

–Thomas Mulready

Photo by Thomas Mulready



This Fri & Sat, Cracked Actor
Celebrates David Bowie

We have a lot to celebrate. This week is David Bowie’s birth and death anniversaries, and 2023 is the 50th anniversary of the groundbreaking album, Aladdin Sane. And it’s been 10 years since Thomas Mulready started diving deep on one of the most influential artists of our time.

Cracked Actor allows Mulready and Vanity Crash to unearth some deep cuts and go loud and proud with a few of his hits. But they go deeper with interviews on how the artist nurtured his own mental health with experts and clinical psychotherapists, as well as rare exclusive interviews with members of Bowie’s 70s band The Spiders From Mars. Plus, rare photos by Anastasia Pantsios (above) of Bowie’s first US performance in Cleveland will be on sale. Two remaining shows on Fri 1/13 at CLE Urban Winery in Cleveland Hts, and on Sat 1/14 at BOP STOP in Ohio City. Let the celebration begin. Read more.



Older Artist Gets Recognition

Sometimes it seems like everyone is looking for the next “hot young thing” in every field. But in the arts, it’s often those who bring extensive life experience to their practice that produce the best work.

That’s why it’s gratifying to see 74-year-old painter/sculptor/mixed media artist Dale Goode landing high-profile shows such as the one opening at HEDGE Gallery January 18. His work is infused with the experience of decades of art making — and living. Read more



Monday Is Discovery Day at Cleveland Museum of Natural History

This Discovery Day, Mon 1/16, connect with CMNH scientists, watch wildlife presentations, take part in hands-on activities, and more, all FREE of charge for everyone in the community.

At noon, join the Museum’s Curator of Human Health & Evolutionary Medicine, Dr. Nicole Burt, as she hosts a panel discussion featuring industry and community experts actively working as agents of change. Panelists will lead an interactive conversation centered around University Circle Inc’s MLK Day theme, “It Starts With Me: Cultivating a Beloved Community Mindset To Transform Unjust Systems.”  Read more.




Cleveland Theater Critics Awards Announced

Seven writers who regularly review NE Ohio theater, including two who write for CoolClevland.com, have revealed their picks for the best shows, performers and technical production they saw in 2022. Read more.



WED 1/11
Happy Birthday, Elvis
It’s a big month to celebrate rock pioneer Elvis Presley, who was born on January 8. Roots rockers the Lustre Kings will do so at the Beachland. * Cleveland duo Night Terrors pushes the boundaries of sound at the BOP STOP.


THU 1/12
Acting for a Cause
Local actor Peter Lawson Jones has a supporting role in the new Tom Hanks film, which he’ll host a screening of this week to raise money for his scholarship fund.* Cleveland Orchestra concert juxtaposes works by Berg and Schubert.




SUN 1/15
Defending Democracy
Forum looks at the impact of the 1/6/21 insurrection and what we need to do to keep our democratic elections safe.* The Music Settlement hosts annual MLK concert at the BOP STOP.* CLE Urban Winery collaborates with Heights Arts to present live music to go with its art show.


MON 1/16
Honoring a Legacy
Institutions all over town will be hosting special events and free days to celebrate the Rev. Dr Martin Luther King Jr.* Les Delices explores queer identity in 17th & 18th century vocal works.* Summit Metro Parks program tackles environmental justice.


TUE 1/17
Legends and History
Did Samuel Brady really leap into the Cuyahoga River at Kent to escape angry Indians? Historian Brad Bolton will share what’s known at a “Tap Talk” at Kent’s North Water Brewing. Adventurous musicians invited to jam at the BOP STOP’s monthly Outlab.


WED 1/18
Music Pop-Up
Classical Revolution got its start at the Happy Dog in 2009, with some of the area’s best classical musicians performing atypical programs in alternative venues. Today the come back home to where they began.


Nap time’s over.-Thomas Mulready
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