Les Delices Explores “Queer” Identity in 17th & 18th Century Vocal Works

Mon 1/16 @ 7:30PM

Cleveland chamber music ensemble Les Delices conceived of its twice-monthly online series SalonEra as a way to keep connected to its audiences during the pandemic. Due to the favorable response it got, it’s continuing the series even while it’s returned to live performance.

Each episode has a different theme, and features pieces, either live or recorded, that amplify that theme, along with musicians, music historians and others talking about the music and its background. The new episode of SalonEra, dubbed “No Straight Answers,” will look at “queer” artists who worked in the field of Baroque opera (of course, back then, they weren’t identified that way!) and show how their identities were revealed (or hinted at) in the plots and vocal compositions of 17th and 18th century works for the stage.

To register for the program, go here.


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