12.16-12.23.2020 Spirit



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Are you starting to feel it? 

The election’s over, and a vaccine is on its way. So besides the continuing lockdown, can we start to feel a little of the old magic that this time of year brings?

Holiday shows are exploding from our screens: Can we revel in the balletic splendor of The Nutcracker? Will we stay up late to experience a 48-Hour Virtual Music Fest? Why not join Trinity Cathedral’s virtual Messiah sing-along or a Very Rust Belt Reading, or an online Home For The Holidays? Maybe catch the “World’s Greatest Christmas Band,” possibly a children’s theater livestream of Mrs. Claus, a radio play version of Miracle on 34th Street, or an online cabaret benefit?

Get out to a last-minute COVID-safe Third Friday, shoot down the toboggan slides at Mill Stream Run, or experience Winter Riverfest at Merwin’s Wharf. Discover the new Maker Town app supporting local artists, learn about going solar now that we’re taking climate change seriously again, or attend an online workshop on “productive disagreement” to make your holidays a bit more pleasant.

If you know someone on your same wavelength, they might enjoy tickets to our upcoming musical livestream in January, A Lad Insane: The Beautiful Mind of David Bowie, which explores mental health issues that haunted the artist throughout his life and inspired some of his most memorable music. Talk about a free spirit.

–Thomas Mulready

Photo by Thomas Mulready


A Lad Insane:
The Beautiful Mind of David Bowie

A history of mental illness in his family haunted David Bowie throughout his career, from early songs like All The Madmen, through explicit references to an asylum in the video for Ashes To Ashes. His iconic and metamorphic personas became problematic as he admittedly merged his own personality into his wildly popular characters such as Ziggy Stardust and the Thin White Duke.

We’ll explore rare videos and interviews, talk with professionals, unearth fresh details of the artist’s life, and hear original and Bowie music from Vanity Crash on Fri 01.08 & Sat 01.09. Tickets make a great gift for the Bowie lover in your life!  Info & tix here.  


Reclaiming a Cleveland Music Legend

Adele Bertei was a scrappy little would-be Cleveland musician when she ran into the legendary Peter Laughner, founder of the equally legendary Rocket from the Tombs and Pere Ubu. For a brief but intense time he served as her musical mentor, impelling her to go to NYC to pursue her muse — as he lay dying.

Bertei recalls this musical education, as well as Laughner’s self-destructive bent, in her new book Peter & the Wolves.  Read More

Ursuline Celebrates Women Artists

Ursuline College’s Wasmer Gallery features compelling works by 39 NEO women artists in New Masters 2: Women Artists of Northeast Ohio. View this show safely from home at https://bit.ly/3npfxsv.




Cool Ornaments for Art

Once again, Waterloo Arts is having its Art of the Ornament auction featuring decorations made by area artists, with proceeds benefitting its education programs & the Waterloo Arts Fest. Read More

Appalachian Musical Holiday

Apollo’s Fire had to replace its planned Christmas program due to the pandemic. So it’s offering online access to a never-seen-before video of a 2018 performance of its popular Christmas on Sugarloaf Mountain concert. Read More

A Blizzard of Music

John Carroll radio station WJCU has hooked up with the 48-Hour Virtual Music Fest for the Virtual Blizzard Bash, to raise money for the Hunger Network, Fri 12/18 – Sun 12/20. Read More

Library Listening

Your Cleveland Public Library card can gain you access to more than 15 million songs for free as part of its membership in the service Freegal. Read More

Make Your Customers Dance

Local author Marc A. Majers releases new book in which he shares how to deliver a successful user experience. Read More


The Nutcracker Around Town at GLSC

Enjoy the magical splendor of Cleveland Ballet’s most enchanting holiday tradition, The Nutcracker. For 2020, this beloved ballet is now adapted so NEO audiences can enjoy the famous dances that capture the heart of childhood and whimsical dreams in a one-hour production.

Final nights of the production are Fri 12.18 & Sat 12.19 at the Great Lakes Science Center. Don’t miss this world of fantasy, adventure and love in this special edition of The Nutcracker.   Read More


The Perfect Holiday Gift

NE Ohio music photographers Joe Kleon & Anastasia Pantsios have created a huge online photo gallery called Sonic & Iconic, where you can see and purchase more than 1,100 photos, most taken in and around Cleveland. Go to Sonic & Iconic to browse through nearly 50 years of concerts. Read More.




WED 12/16
Money Buys Legislation
Panel discusses how Ohio government is for sale — and how to increase accountability to citizens— in a virtual City Club program.* Hear a radio play version of Miracle on 34th Street.

* Trinity Cathedral hosts a virtual Messiah sing-along.


THU 12/17
Brews at Home
Southern Tier Brewing and the Cleveland Museum of Natural History present an online workshop and brewery tour called “Fermentation Fun.”* Belt Publishing hosts A Very Rust Belt Reading.

* Learn about going solar in online session.


FRI 12/18



SUN 12/20
ConFRONTing Conflict
This month Front Triennial’s online workshop Present! offers a lesson in “productive disagreement.”* Great Lakes Theatre joins online cabaret benefit.

* Fine Arts Association offer holiday show on YouTube.


MON 12/21
Winter by the River
If you’re looking for something to do during those slow days before Christmas, Winter Riverfest at Merwin’s Wharf is happening every day through Christmas Eve.* Akron children’s theater streams fun-filled Mrs. Claus to watch through New Year’s Eve.


TUE 12/22
Plan Ahead for NYE 
You are SO not going out New Year’s Eve, right? Celebrate safely at home by ordering a festive NYE dinner from one of the locally owned eateries of Cleveland Independents. Get your order in now!* The new Maker Town app will be around long after the holidays to shop with local makers.


WED 12/23
Slide into Christmas
Yes, those toboggan slides at Mill Stream Run are open this week, the perfect place to take the stir-crazy family. They’re open every day but Christmas.* Fans of Near West Theatre can stream their holiday show All Roads Lead to Home through January 3.



Elections Have Consequences
The level of pure vitriol and hatred spewing from the mouths of the diehard Indians fans and supporters of Chief Wahoo as they streamed into the ballpark was totally disgusting. These blockheads directed such venomous and bigoted comments at those of us protesting racism I was downright ashamed of them….  Read More Here Come the Crazies
The MAGAs made no plans for this: losing. And now that they have lost, they’re really lost. The historical parallel that comes to mind is how these people must feel similar to how the traitors of the Confederacy felt after Appomattox Court House. The “Cause” was lost — and for some the weight of it…  Read More 

Politics 101, or Nina Part Two
Anyone in the political arena who doesn’t understand the basic tenet of politics, I have to question not only their political acumen, but also their sanity. The goal, remember, was to set Trump out like the cat, not make snarky comments for no purpose other than revenge for not being given a position…  Read More

The Legacy of Charlie Pride
Charley Pride, who no doubt faced down an amazing level of bigotry during his stellar career with dignity, grace, and as his name states, “pride,” accomplished much more than even could have been imagined. His success proved that the racial hatred harbored by ignorant whites is transitory, malleable…  Read More


That’s the spirit!

-Thomas Mulready






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