Learn About Going Solar in Online Session

Thu 12/17 @ 6PM

One reason to be excited about 2021 is that we’re going to get some action on climate change — finally. Look for the U.S. to rejoin the Paris Climate Accord — it’s currently the only nation in the world not part of it — and take some serious steps toward implementing clean, renewable energy.

If you’re interested in what you can do on your own on that score (every little bit helps!), join the Cuyahoga County Department of Sustainability and the nonprofit advocacy group Solar United Neighbors of Ohio for an online information session on the Cuyahoga County Solar Co-op. They’ll share how you can save on going solar by joining the Co-op and what assistance is available, and you can learn if it’s feasible for you. You can even learn about the cost of adding storage batteries or an electric car charging port. Get ready for the sustainable future!

Sign up for the session at coops.solarunitedneighbors.org/coops/cuyahoga-county-2021-solar-co-op/events/. There’ll be a recorded version available, but the live one is interactive if you have questions.


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