Science Cafe Returns to the Music Box

Wed 8/10 @ 7PM

Science Café is back at the Music Box Supper Club for the first time in ages, inviting people to come down to “Talk science, drink beer.” Scientists from across the region, including from sponsoring organizations the Case Western Reserve University chapter of Sigma Xi; the ACES+ (Academic Careers in engineering and Science) program at CWRU; and WCPN ideastream, gather to toss around topics.

This month’s topic is “Adventures in Flatland and Why Interfacial Science Matters.” And if you don’t know what that means (I don’t; I was a theater major) come on down, quaff a few and ask all the questions you want of people who apparently DO know.

It’s free and open to all, and a full menu and bar are available if you need something stronger.

Science Café Cleveland – Beer, Wine, and Bourbon

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