
Cool Cleveland offers our election endorsements. Critical Mass takes a Halloween ride. ON Ensemble hits Medina. Colors explode at Holden. Breastfest. Drumplay. Speedbumps. Chuck Berry!
So don’t despair if we lose a few leaves this time of year. Unlike other places, we get to embrace all four seasons fully. These days, that means using our free mobile app to stay on top of the cool stuff. Rake it in. –Thomas Mulready
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Fresh on the heels of a glowing feature in Oprah’s “O” magazine, Cool Cleveland writer Mansfield Frazier talks about his third year at The Vineyards of Chateau Hough. Now he’s working to convert the basements of abandoned houses into biocellars to grow shiitake mushrooms, vegetables or even serve as a sauna.
Join him on Fri 10/26 from 4-7PM at the upcoming Friendraiser where you’ll learn how to prune the vines and winterize the soil. Wine samples by Chateau Hough’s Manny Calta will be available, and a performance by the Cleveland Inner City Ballet will be presented. RSVP by calling 216-361-9774 or at info@neighborhoodsolutionsinc.com.
Next on his agenda? Turning a nearby firehouse into a winery and restaurant. Don’t doubt he’ll do it. He likes to quote Majora Carter: “I believe that you shouldn’t have to leave your neighborhood to live in a better one.”
Looking for online advertising that reaches your audience? Consider CoolCleveland Sponsored Links, Sponsored Features and Sponsored Videos. Info@CoolCleveland.com
Click on our SPONSORED links below for your chance to win $300. Find out How To WIN.
SPONSORED: Get low fares to Chicago and Denver from CAK Low fares to Chicago Midway, Denver and beyond are available now only at Southwest.com. Fly aboard big, comfy jets from Akron-Canton Airport- just a hop and skip south of Cleveland. Book your trip today and remember, bags fly free on Southwest!

NO on State Issue #1 to call a convention to revise the Ohio Constitution. Read more.
YES on State Issue #2 to create a commission to draw legislative districts. Read more.
YES on Issue #107 Cleveland Schools Tax Levy. Read more.
NO on Issue #108 Cleveland-Cuyahoga County Port Authority Tax Levy. Read more.
Judging the Judges Cool Cleveland recommends using Judge4Yourself.com. Read why here.
Stay tuned for Cool Cleveland Endorsements for President, Senate, and select Congressional races.

Click here for more News and Biz
SPONSORED: Help With Your Job Search for Tri-C Alums Cuyahoga Community College is actively engaged in the process of reconnecting with its alumni to build an active, ongoing network. Join the Alumni & Friends Association and enjoy the benefits of networking, mentoring, updated job search and resume resources. Plus, look for special alumni events throughout the year. Sign-up now: Tri-C.edu/alumni.
SPONSORED: Live! Rock Hall Concert with Rick Derringer Trio On Fri 10/26, the Rick Derringer Trio will perform live at the intimate Main Stage at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame as part of the 2012 American Music Masters celebration of Chuck Berry. Tickets are $15 and are available through the Rock Hall website at RockHall.com or at the Rock Hall Box Office.

Tri-C Alum John Kametz graduated in one of the very first classes at Tri-C, making him a true pioneer. He studied journalism at Tri-C, then transferred to Kent State University, where he received his bachelors degree. He then worked at Sun Newspapers for over 30 years.
Now retired, he works as an historic interpreter at Hale Farm and Village, where Tri-C hosted their recent Alumni & Friends Association event. He talks with visiting school groups about 19th century medicine and some of the sites and houses and the grounds at Hale Farm and Village.
Are you a Tri-C alum? Join for free and get invitations to Indians games, Browns games and cool events like this outing at Hale Farm & Village. http://www.tri-c.edu/alumni/Pages/Alumni.aspx
SPONSORED: Like Cher, One Name Says It All Her name is Midori – she’s a violinist who made her professional debut with the NY Philharmonic in 1982 at age 11. On Mon 11/5 at 8PM, this classic music icon performs in CIM’s Mixon Hall. For tickets, call 216.795.3211 or visit CIM.edu

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Download your free iPhone or Android app now and celebrate the region.
And we love our Cool Cleveland readers! And we appreciate when they downloading our mobile app and share the cool stuff with their friends. That’s why we’re sending Ms. Suma a check for $20. We’re giving away 20 bucks a week, and you could be next!
It’s really quite easy. Just download the FREE Cool Cleveland app for iPhone or Android and start finding cool stuff to do. You can even forward the coolest stuff to your friends on Facebook, Twitter and email.
Do you love the Cool Cleveland app? Maybe you’ll see your picture in Cool Cleveland next week?

Click here for more Cool Cleveland Kids events

With so many dynamic medical institutions in Northeast Ohio, Cleveland is positioning itself as a medical innovation hub to spur business growth.
Researchers, medical staff, and academicians are collectively pursuing significant lines of inquiry and new discoveries. Entrepreneurs, engineers, and designers are creating new medical devices. And, to top it all off, Cleveland Clinic is set to host its 10th Annual Innovation Summit Mon 10/29 – Wed 10/31…
Read more from Susan Schaul here

WED 10/24
Let’s discuss bullying when the Root Cafe hosts author Walter G. Meyer for a book reading/signing. Meyer’s latest novel is a powerful tale about teen bullying & suicide. Meet him on Wed 10/24.
Click here for more events on Wed 10/24

THU 10/25
LEAF Harvest Festival Attend one last LEAF night before CSA season comes to a close. Bob for apples, make a pie and/or a hula hoop, pick up produce & hang out w/ your neighbors. All good fun on Thu 10/25.
Click here for more events on Thu 10/25

FRI 10/26
Speedbumps @ the Symphony Kent-based acoustic band Speedbumps will be playing w/ the Canton Symphony Orchestra on Fri 10/26. To add to the musical appeal, Ashley Brooke Toussant will be opening.
Click here for more events on Fri 10/26

SAT 10/27
The WCSB Masquerade Ball returns on Sat 10/27! Get thee to the best, free Halloween bash in town, complete w/ a performance by legendary punk group The Avengers, dancing, food trucks, costume contests & more.
Click here for more events on Sat 10/27
SPONSORED: WCLV celebrates its 50th anniversary on Thu 11/1, with an open house at the Idea Center on Playhouse Square from 10AM to 9PM, with birthday cupcakes, tours of the ideastream and WCLV facilities, meet WCLV air personalities, past and present. Enjoy live music in person or on the air at 104.9 by such groups as the Cavani Quartet, Apollo’s Fire, the Cleveland Orchestra Youth Orchestra, Quire Cleveland, and musicians from Baldwin-Wallace, the Oberlin Conservatory, Cleveland State University, the Music Settlement and Cleveland Institute of Music. WCLV.com

SUN 10/28
Breastfest 12 features 17 female featured acts on 2 different stages… all to help cancer patients with immediate financial needs. Hear from The Womack Family Band, Robin Stone, Alexis Antes, Tracy Marie, Ki Allen & others.
Click here for more events on Sun 10/28

MON 10/29
Full Moon Hike Forget haunted houses. Experience a real spooky experience on the cheap — simply go hiking in the woods, at night. Go Mon 10/29 in CVNP.
Click here for more events on Mon 10/29

TUE 10/30
ON Ensemble performs its very special blend of Japanese drumming, hip hop, electronica & rock fusion for free Tue 10/30 @ the Medina Performing Arts Center.
Click here for more events on Tue 10/30

WED 10/31
An Underwater Halloween Party The Greater Cleveland Aquarium is throwing a haunted party for the adults on Wed 10/31. Come in costume for a full bar & frightful sights.
Click here for more events on Wed 10/31
Send your cool events to: Events@CoolCleveland.com

The first time I met Mansfield Frazier, I knew there was no way to fool him about who I am. He knows all kinds of people and knows where they’re at in their hearts.
He changes lives, one at a time, by counseling former inmates and helping them re-enter the world. He hopes they’ll stay and not take the easy route where prison is home.
His vineyard in Hough is one of the tools he uses to help men grow…
Read more from Claudia Taller here

Both 60 Minutes and Newsweek (full disclosure: I semi-regularly write for the combined Daily Beast/Newsweek organization) recently did major stories on the medical marijuana industry currently flourishing in Colorado.
Not for nothing is Denver known as “The Mile-High City…”
Read this story from Mansfield Frazier here
Read other recent pieces by Mansfield Frazier here

When Bill Kitson came to United Way of Greater Cleveland four months ago from Toledo, he took over a thriving philanthropic organization with an audacious $41 million campaign goal and a full plate of cool activities like GuitarMania, the Fall Ball, RideUnited, RockUnited, eBay Auction, and more.
This year’s Hometown Huddle built a brand-new playground at the Phyllis Wheatley Center with the help of Cleveland Browns players, sponsors like Medical Mutual, Huntington, Cleveland Clinic, and a ton of volunteers. It’s part of the NFL’s Play 60 program, but it’s been a Cleveland tradition for 14 years.
United Way changes lives and transforms communities. They receive 250,000 calls a year to their 211 line for help with food, rent and utilities. They support 216 agencies that help those in need in our neighborhoods. They are more than halfway to reaching their $41 million goal. Now they are helping pass Issue 107 to support the Cleveland schools.
Medical Mutual is matching small business donations 2-for-1, so log on and join the huddle. Live UNITED! UnitedWayCleveland.org.

Quick previews & reviews of recent events
Submit your own preview, review or commentary to Events@CoolCleveland.com

REVIEW: Raising the Barre – Trey McIntyre Project @ E. J. Thomas Hall by Elsa Johnson & Victor Lucas
REVIEW: A Not-So-Sedate Cleveland Orchestra @ Severance Hall by Laura Kennelly
REVIEW: Problematic THE LITTLE DOG LAUGHED @ Beck by Roy Berko
REVIEW: THE KARDIAC KID wins, even if the Browns lose by Roy Berko
REVIEW: Funny, Poignant, Eye-Opening GAY MARRIAGE PLAYS @ CPT by Roy Berko
REVIEW: Emotionally Laden THE COLOR PURPLE @ Karamu by Roy Berko
Comment on our blog here: http://www.CoolCleveland.com/blog
MANSFIELD: Yes on 107 Generalities Mansfield! Plenty of white folks are forgivers too. I forgive you…
Read the comment from Jack McGuane here
great writing… love your takes…
Read the comment from Ralph Solonitz here
Mansfield, your commentary today — a most effective one-two punch. Double entendre intended….
Read the comment from Peter Lawson Jones here
ROLDO: Plain Dealer – Let It Go I never heard of this Ed Houser guy but you cant blame his death on the health care system. First, he had catastrophic care insurance. All he had to do was call 911 and the EMS would have come for him…
Read the comment from IndyCA35 here
But the “town” isn’t nearly as Democratic as it once was, because of course by saying Cleveland we now really mean the entire region (eight surrounding counties at least, which is essentially the PD’s circulation area). And last I checked, places such as Strongsville, Bay Village and Pepper Pike (among others) aren’t tilting to the Dems…
Read the comment from John Ettorre here
Roldo, I didn’t know the PD still had a Sunday newspaper. You mean, it’s still in print? Ha! What I have always, and still do, admire about you is how you speak truth to power….
Read the comment from David Eden here
As one who has catastrophic health care only, it does serve to deter the desire to visit a doctor on a regular basis. The pre-existing disease model starts the meter ticking when the croakers find what they are really looking for. A reason to dig into your pocket and body at will…
Read the comment from snarky here
Bless U Roldo… AGREE w/U on the healthcare mess… put it THIS way… if I was a small biz owner let alone a worker… Yikes… the premiums…
Read the comment from God here
Free or almost free medical care for the poor is available at MetroHealth (Metro) hospital in Cleveland and its clinics in some suburbs, including primary care doctors, specialists and tests…
Read the comment from Joe here
Watermarks 2012 Int’l Papermaking Conference Paper and book arts are alive and growing in Northeast Ohio! We will be showing off our arts and culture to the world and how we embrace arts and culture as a viable, sustainable industry next week during the Watermarks 2012 Conference in Cleveland. Over 250 people from almost every continent in the world have registered for the Conference…
Read the comment from Morgan Conservatory here
Read and comment here: http://www.coolcleveland.com/blog

Most clicked
Here are the Top 5 most clicked links from last week’s issue, with one more chance for you to click.

2) Harvey Pekar library card. We got ours. You can get yours.
3) MANSFIELD: YES on Issue 107… here’s why.
4) Chuck Berry is coming to Cleveland!
5) ROLDO: Plain Dealer – Let It Go.

Seasoned writers. Kudos to our scribes, who revel in all the seasons: Roy Berko, Martin Bielat, Mansfield Frazier, Elsa Johnson & Victor Lucas, Laura Kennelly, Susan Schaul, Claudia Taller and Sarah Valek. And lastly, though certainly not least, thanks to our readers and everyone who partners with us. Want to volunteer and contribute your writing to Cool Cleveland? Send your reviews, articles, or story ideas to: Events@CoolCleveland.com.
Leaf it to us,
–Thomas Mulready

Cool Networks LLC / 14837 Detroit #105 / Cleveland, OH 44107
All contents (c)2012 Cool Networks LLC all rights reserved