12.30.2020-01.06.2021 Better Days


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Better Days


Yes, it’s been bleak. But we can see the LED lights at the end of the tunnel. 

Only by working together can we make it better.

CoolCleveland previews the upcoming festival season, with most spring events online or “shapeshifting,” while everything after that is in a holding pattern.

Thomas Fox, the impresario behind CreativeMornings CLE and Agumboot Festival, is bringing them together under the umbrella of Greyt Culture. moCa is kicking off a major new artist-in-residence program for area artists.

NYE will be like no other, with hometown hero Dominick Farinacci hosting his 19th annual celebration, this one online and live from Nighttown. Maelstrom Collaborative is offering a typically dark NYE they say will honor “the Good, the Bad, and the Artistic that happened here in Cleveland this year…”

David Bowie’s birthday in January is a good time to look ahead to better days, as he ultimately overcame his family’s struggles with mental health. Plus, the music from Vanity Crash is incredible. Tix for the two livestreams are available now.

–Thomas Mulready

Photo by Thomas Mulready


Changes, Adjustments, Transformations

We’re starting to hear from organizers of 2021 festivals and events, and it appears the first half of the year will look much different than usual. (Remember when we thought we’d be back to “normal” by last July?) Many early festivals are opting to go all or mostly virtual, promising to be back “live” in 2022, while later festivals seem to be holding their breath and waiting. Read More


Celebrate the Beautiful Mind of David Bowie


A history of mental illness in his family weighed heavily on David Bowie throughout his career, from early songs like “All The Madmen,” through explicit references to an asylum in the video for Ashes To Ashes,” and he admittedly merged his own personality into his wildly popular characters such as Ziggy Stardust, Aladdin Sane and the Thin White Duke.

Celebrate his birth and death anniversaries, explore rare videos and demos, talk with professionals, unearth fresh details of the artist’s life, and hear original and Bowie music from Vanity Crash.  Read More

Ursuline Celebrates Women Artists

Ursuline College’s Florence O’Donnell Wasmer Gallery showcases creativity and mastery in New Masters 2: Women Artists of Northeast Ohio. See for yourself at https://bit.ly/3npfxsv.



Greyt Culture Offers Ideas, Music & Nature

Thomas Fox has organized CreativeMornings CLE for six years and hosted the Agumboot Music Festival in 2016. Now he’s linked both programs under the banner of Greyt Culture and has pilot programs up on YouTube, with the re-boot of Creative Mornings featuring endurance athlete Katie Spotz (pictured) and Greyt Concerts kicking off with Cassidy King, both Cleveland natives. Read More

moCa Debuts Artist-in-Residence Program
moCa Cleveland has announced a new program for emerging Cleveland area artists to help them take their careers to the next level. Five-month residencies will give the chosen artists resources to create new work, interact with the public and show their work. Deadline is January 31; first residency starts in July.  Read More



WED 12/30
City Soundscapes
To go with its current show of Nocturnal Cleveland photos, the Transformer Station commissioned three area musicians to create sympathetic soundscapes. Abrasive post-punkers Obnox are the latest to have a video posted.


THU 12/31
NYE Music at Home
Jazz trumpeter Dominick Farinacci plays his 19th annual New Year’s eve at Nighttown— only he (and his musicians) will be there & you can listen at home.* Join Maelstrom Collaborative Arts online for a distinctively dark New Year’s Eve celebration.


FRI 1/1

The Canton Art Museum has gathered pieces from its collection depicting winter & is showcasing them online, along with a collection of Christmas cards with a vintage vibe.


SAT 1/2
Lights on the Square
Through this weekend, you can take a ride downtown and see animated light & sound shows three times per hour between 4 & 10pm on Pubic Square.* Cleveland Botanical Garden’s annual Glow is on display through this weekend, with enhanced outdoor light features.


SUN 1/3
Kids, Make Us Brunch!
Brandon Chrostowski of EDWINS culminates a weeks’ worth of kids’ cooking classes with that shows them how to make omelets and French toast.* If the kids are antsy from being cooped up, there’s always the twin toboggan chutes at Mill Stream Run.


MON 1/4
Squirrely Resolutions
Main Street Kent is hosting another story walk, based on the picture book Squirrel’s New Year’s Resolutions. Walk from storefront to storefront to follow the story, stop for snacks & drinks, and make your own resolutions.* This is the last night to see the holiday lights at Nela Park.


TUE 1/5
Upgrading U.S. infrastructure
Author John A. Riggs talks about how FDR improved the qualify of life in America via rural electrification and how that could serve as a model for today in a program sponsored by the Hudson Library.


WED 1/6
A Poetic Stroll
Summit Metro Parks invites people to take a self-guided Winter Poetry Walk where they’ll find poems posted along the trail and perhaps be inspired by nature to write their own.* Akron Soul Train debuts a new show of colorful drag portraits by trans artist Max Markwald.



Nashville: The New Normal?
Without a doubt the last thing the vast majority of Americans want to be thinking about the day after Christmas is the Christmas Day bombing in Nashville. But a few things about the incident inform me that if we blow it off as the work of a demented soul who simply hates Santa Claus we’d be making a huge mistake…  Read More Nashville: A Lone Job?
One responder to my post commented that it is writers like me who are responsible for the madness and violence emanating from the right because we write about it. If we simply shut up, it would cease to exist. Wrong. This is the same argument I’ve heard over the years about racism: If we blacks simply quit talking….  Read More

Things can only get better.

-Thomas Mulready






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