Science Cafe at the Music Box Addresses the Workings of the Human Mind

Mon 11/11 @ 7PM

The monthly Science Café at the Music Box Supper Club is all about introducing intriguing scientific topics to laymen (and women) in terms they can understand.

This month Dr. Anthony Jack, an associate professor of philosophy at Case Western Reserve University, will expound on “The Mind’s Essential Tension: How Neuroscience Can and Must Drive a New Renaissance.”

He’ll talk about how advances in neuroimaging, which at first appeared to be producing only minor discoveries, are in fact leading to bigger conclusions about the way the brain works. He’ll discuss the finding that human reasoning and intelligence are in fact divided, and not unified as had been assumed, with “analytic reason” and “empathic reason” two distinct entities, and how focusing on the former at the expense of the latter has helped fuel a public health crisis and rejection of science.

Doors are 5:30pm; program starts at 7. A full bar and menu are available. Admission is free.


Cleveland, OH 44113


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