What Really Matters

Whether it’s Shakespeare al fresco at Stan Hywet Hall (happy 100th, BTW!), or what would have been a happy 100th b-day for polka king Frankie Yankovic at the Slovenian SNPJ Farm in Kirtland, or the Cleveland INKubator for budding writers at CPL, or JoAnn Farb telling you What Really Matters (eat better, live better, be more compassionate), or checking out local crafts at the Peninsula Flea Market, or seeing Brandon Juhasz re-contextualize photography at the Maria Neil Art Project, or just the 100th time you’ve heard the 1812 at Blossom, this week what really matters is that you get out from behind your screen or mobile and be there in person. –Thomas Mulready

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Photo by Elisa Vietri

The Cleveland INKubator is being referred to as an UNconference because it’s not about sitting and listening to panels and speakers. Instead, attendees will learn how to turn their own stories into effective writing by interacting with experienced local writers like playwright Eric Coble and mystery writer Les Roberts. It’s for teens and adults, novices and those who have tried their hand at writing before. It’s free, it’s at the Cleveland Public Library, and even though it’s not until 8/1, you better sign up now to save your spot.

The Ohio Shakespeare Festival aims to make Shakespeare entertaining and accessible, the way it was for his own unschooled audience. It does so without trendy gimmicks and in one of the most beautiful settlings any northeast Ohio theater group has at its disposal: outdoors on the grounds of Akron’s Stan Hywet Hall & Gardens. Through 8/16.
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SPONSORED: America’s Premier Lyric Theatre Festival The Ohio Light Opera presents 7 musical gems in rep thru 8/8 at the College of Wooster in Wooster, Ohio: Lerner & Loewe’s Brigadoon, Cole Porter’s Can-Can, Kurt Weill and Ogden Nash’s One Touch of Venus, George and Ira Gershwin’s Oh, Kay!, Gilbert & Sullivan’s Ruddigore and The Yeomen of the Guard, and Franz Lehar’s Friederike. Order your tickets today! Call 330-263-2345 or visit OhioLightOpera.org.

If any one person was responsible for Cleveland being a polka town, it was Frankie Yankovic, the always-smiling singer/accordionist who burst out of Collinwood in the wake of WW II to become a huge star in the late ’40s and ’50s. He inspired generations of polka lovers that are still rediscovering the happy sound. He lived to be 83 and would have been 100 this month so the Slovenia SNPJ Farm is celebrating with food, music and dancing. Sun 7/5.

The W. 25th corridor is getting a huge internet upgrade thanks to OneCommunity’s Big Gig Challenge Grant, which offered up to $2 million in a 25% match towards project construction and equipment costs.
One of this year’s grants was awarded to the W. 25th Street Corridor, managed by the Stockyard, Clark-Fulton and Brooklyn Centre Community Development Office earlier this year. With an enhanced broadband network that will be able to provide speeds up to 100x faster than what an average user has in their home; the 900+ properties on W. 25th are certainly looking forward to the new boost.

The iconic actor Vincent Price was known for his roles in horror films and for being the eerie voice on Michael Jackson’s tour de force tune “Thriller.” It’s not as well-known that he was an art collector and patron whose daughter has founded an art scholarship in his name.. A traveling art show of art inspired by Price’s image and work featuring artists from around the world, including Cleveland, is making a summer stop at Lakewood’s Good Goat Gallery. It’s on view through 8/29.

Pairings, Ohio’s Wine and Culinary Experience, is now featuring Chef Michael Lorah with luncheon menus showcasing Ohio-grown food items, many of which come from the farmers’ market held each Saturday at Pairings. Each meal is prepared fresh and matched with one of 35 award winning, Ohio grown wines representing vintners across the state.
Interested in learning more about wine appreciation? Pairings’ talented staff conducts daily tastings and frequent classes to take the mystery out of wine appreciation. And each Thursday evening, one winemaker hosts a ‘Meet Me at Pairings’ gathering to celebrate the wines from their cellars. For a full schedule of classes: Pairings.com

The Oberlin Theater Festival offers quality theater for the whole family — time-tested productions that won’t go over the heads of kids and will maybe get them excited about live theater. Through Sat 8/8
Click here for more CoolCleveland Kids events

Tickets now available for the Arboretum’s Perspectives at Woodland Twilight summer benefit on Sat 7/18. Celebrate exciting new things taking place at Holden while supporting their mission to build a greener Northeast Ohio. Beginning at 6PM, partake in a silent auction, seated dinner and after-dinner drinks near the wooded trails. Tickets start at $185 each. Details.

Read more picks by Anastasia Pantsios here

Sandwich: Firecracker Chicken – Hot & Spicy Diablo Fried Chicken, Sweet Grilled Pineapple, Cool Fresh Avocado, Pepper-Jack Cheese – Vegetarian & Vegan Available. Seasonal Fresh Vegetables: Melt Potato Salad – Homemade creamy redskin potato salad with crunchy veggies, cheddar and romano. Beer: Brooklyn Pennant Ale. Bread Pudding: Blueberry Lemonade.
Happenings for July @MeltBarGrilled: Log on to learn about New Weekend Cocktail Menu, Stone Ruination Nation, Lakewood Summer Meltdown on Sat 7/11, Christmas In July on Sat 7/25, and more: MeltBarGrilled.com.

Read more picks by Anastasia Pantsios here
SPONSORED: Catch the rising stars at The Kent Stage: 15/60/75 The Numbers Band, Bob Schneider Band, Richard Thompson, Ricki Lee Jones, Shwayze, Todd Rundgren, Shwayze, Keb Mo, Bryan Sutton, Chris Hillman & Herb Pedersen, Eric Burden & The Animals, plus Edgar Winter, Justin Hayward, Charlie Musslewhite, Rhiannon Giddens, Dweezil Zappa Guitar Masterclass, Zappa Plays Zappa, Hot Tuna Acoustic, Over The Rhine, Aaron Neville, Sklar Brothers and Featuring The Fairfield Four and the McCrary Sisters, all at the acoustically superior Kent Stage in 2015. Get your tickets now for TheKentStage.com.

WED 7/1
Akron’s Lock 3 Live is party central for four days during its annual Rib, White & Blue fest. Rib vendors from across the country vie to impress northeast Ohioans, while tribute bands entertain the crowd each evening. On Sat 7/4, the Akron Symphony Pops, Freedom Brass Band & folkie Alex Bevan perform and there are fireworks.
Click here for more events on Wed 7/1

THU 7/2
It’s time to head out to Blossom Music Center for the annual holiday helping of patriotic and show tunes, fireworks and the 1812 Overture. Today and tomorrow the Cleveland Orchestra does the honors; on Sat 7/4 it’s the Blossom Festival Band.
Click here for more events on Thu 7/2

FRI 7/3
The blockbuster shark-attack move Jaws launches the next set of late-shift movies sponsored by Melt Bar and Grilled; it’s showing tonight, tomorrow and Sunday at the Cedar Lee Theatre.
Click here for more events on Fri 7/3

SAT 7/4
For an old-fashioned 4th of July, there’s no better place to go than Geneva-on-the-Lake with its game arcades, putt-putt courses, bumper car tracks, little beaches, summer cottages and snack bars selling of food you shouldn’t eat every day. When night falls, the fireworks go off over the golf course, the end to a perfect family day.
Click here for more events on Sat 7/4

SUN 7/5
Fans of heavy indie rock loved L.A. trio Failure in the ’90s. In four years, they produced three memorable albums before breaking up in 1997. They reunite last year, have a brand new album and will be at the Grog Shop tonight.
Click here for more events on Sun 7/5

MON 7/6
Author, teacher and lecturer JoAnn Farb teaches people how to eat better, live better and be more compassionate. When she speaks at the Lakewood Public Library, on “What Really Matters,” she’ll explain how to maintain your energy and optimism while fighting for a better world.
Click here for more events on Mon 7/6

TUE 7/7
July’s Brews + Prose at the Market Garden Brewery, the event’s 3rd anniversary, features novelist/poet Paula McLain and New Yorker query fact checker Mary Norris.
Click here for more events on Tue 7/7

WED 7/8
A woman putting herself through medical school playing professional baseball? In the early 1900s? Come hear the whole story at the Maltz Museum of Jewish Heritage as part of its programming around its Chasing Dreams: Baseball & Becoming American exhibit.
Click here for more events on Wed 7/8
Send your cool events to: Events@CoolCleveland.com

It was just after 10am Friday morning June 26 — and a lot of people were still celebrating the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision the previous day that let them keep the health care they’d gotten under the Affordable Care Act — when word came that another Supreme Court decision made something happen many despaired of seeing in their lifetime: universal marriage equality in all 50 states.

Journeying through large parts of the east side of Detroit can leave you virtually speechless. I’d heard the situation was bad, but I wasn’t quite prepared for what I was seeing. The word “dystopian”…
Read other stories from Mansfield Frazier here

Quick previews & reviews of recent events
Submit your own preview, review or commentary to Events@CoolCleveland.com

THEATER REVIEW A Little Night Music at Porthouse Theatre by Laura Kennelly
THEATER REVIEW Exact Change at PlayhouseSquare by Laura Kennelly
THEATER REVIEW The Train Play at convergence-continuum by Roy Berko
THEATER REVIEW One Touch of Venus at Ohio Light Opera by Kelly Ferjutz
THEATER PREVIEW Second half of Ohio Light Opera season by Kelly Ferjutz
PHOTOSTREAM Night Market Cleveland by Anastasia Pantsios
Read and comment here: http://www.coolcleveland.com/blog

Most clicked
Here are the Top 5 most clicked links from last week’s issue, with one more chance for you to click.

2) AsiaTown’s @NightMRKTCle Makes Its Debut
3) VIDEO: @CleveMetroparks’ Euclid Beach Live Is Fun for the Whole Family
4) MANSFIELD: Preventing Future ‘Accidents’
5) Plan Your Summer! Here Is the Cool Cleveland 2015 Festival Calendar
What matters to you?
–Thomas Mulready

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