Getting Closer?
We can feel it now. A few more steps in the right direction.
We may have a way to go in accepting each other fully, but the collective known as MANDEM is doing their part, identifying as nonbinary/genderqueer and as neurodiverse and/or disabled, and their powerful and beautiful work is featured at the Gallery at Lakeland Community College and in this week’s video interview by CoolCleveland correspondent Megan Alves.
Akron singer/songwriter Zach Friedhof has the right idea. He’s celebrating his new release with four different release shows, one for each season. Fashionista Valerie Mayen kicks off her sustainable “Hi, Fashion” event at the Capitol Theatre with a screening of The True Cost of Fashion. The Magalen in Slavic Village hosts a conversation inspired by the 50th anniversary of our most famous fire. The Cleveland Public Library opens The World of Puppets, with performances, workshops, talks and crafts for all ages.
The guy who got closest to tapping into Cleveland’s soul, in my opinion, was poet Daniel Thompson, and a doc based on his life premieres at Cleveland Hts and Lakewood libraries. Mansfield celebrates how advertising has been showing “blended” families, getting us ever closer to embracing one another for who we are, rather than what we look like. We’re getting there. –Thomas Mulready

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Photo by Thomas Mulready
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Just two years ago, Coventry School in Cleveland Heights, home to numerous arts and education nonprofits, faced possible extinction as the city was looking at selling it – and its beloved P.E.A.C.E. Playground – to a developer to possibly build more of those Lego-style condos you see all over town. The tenants and community banded together and persuaded it to sell to the CH-UH Library to keep it as a community arts center.
This weekend, the tenants are hosting their first annual Coventry PEACE Chili Cookoff. “We’ve been referring to it as a friend-raiser,” says P.E.A.C.E. lead volunteer Brady Dindia. “We feel like it’s time to get everyone back together, update them on where we are in the process, how our partnership with the library is going and making everyone aware of our collaboration.” Sun 3/24.
SPONSORED: What’s the best way to end the winter chill? Warm up with three-course prix fixe menus during Cleveland Restaurant Week, March 18-30th with Cleveland Independents: 80 locally owned, independent restaurants from Sandusky to Mentor and south to Akron. Visit ClevelandRestaurantWeek.com for participating restaurants, menus and real-time, online reservations.

VIDEO: MANDEM’s Collective Consciousness
The artist collaboration known as MANDEM is anything but ordinary. The group, together for nearly two decades, is a self-described “Vulcan Mind Meld” of creators Maize Arendsee and Moco Steinman-Arendsee, plus the recent addition of their 8-year-old offspring Kiki.
MANDEM collectively identifies as nonbinary/genderqueer and as neurodiverse and/or disabled. These identities powerfully inform their work, which fearlessly challenges representations of beauty and the “deviant” body. MANDEM is currently part of From Women XII… at the Gallery at Lakeland Community College, an exhibition and celebration of regional women artists curated by Mary Urbas, on view through Fri 3/29. An artist’s reception will be held on Sun 3/24, 3:30-5:00pm, directly following Lakeland’s Annual Women of Achievement Awards Ceremony at 2pm.

Through its heyday, which he was responsible for helping launch and maintain, Denny Sanders held down the evening slot on Cleveland’s rock & roll powerhouse WMMS-FM. A devoted radio junkie, he was also responsible for much of the behind-the-scenes work on its sound. But after a stint on oldie station WMJI in the 90s, he disappeared from the airwaves, working for a locally based broadcast equipment/development company.
Fans will be excited to hear that he’s back on the radio on Oberlin-based locally owned WDLW, heard in Lorain and western Cuyahoga counties and available online, playing music from the late 50s through mid 70s where he’s also programming consultant. “I’m just thrilled to really be able to put something together that has my stamp on it, as opposed to being a cog in some big machine,” he says.

Adventure University… the place for outdoor adventurers to meet, share and learn about the outdoor pursuits they love like biking and cycling, boating, sailing and paddlesports, hiking and walking, fishing and ice fishing and more. Baldwin Wallace University, in partnership with Cleveland Metroparks, hosts Adventure University on Sat 3/23 from 10AM to 4PM at BW’s Lou Higgins Center in Berea.
The event includes educational workshops, try-it demos and exhibitors, plus a gear swap and consignment area. Adventure University is a collaboration of Cleveland Metroparks Outdoor Recreation; the BW School of Health, Physical Education and Sport Sciences; and BW Recreational Sports and Services. Info here.

It’s never too early to get kids thinking about the environment! The Akron Art Museum’s Art Babes creative play sessions for newborns to 12-month-olds features “Movement with Recyclables” this month, with bubble wrap and raffia tutus. Thu 3/21.
Click here for more CoolCleveland Kids events

VIDEO: These Students Know How To Stop The Hate
Words really do matter. You and I know it, and all our children know it. So to raise awareness and start turning the tide, the Maltz Museum of Jewish Heritage has been offering scholarships for the best essays from junior and senior high school student upstanders reflecting on and responding to intolerance and indifference.
“Over 11 years, we’ve reached 30,000 students, and given away over a million dollars,” relates Darryl McNair, a member of the board of the Maltz Museum and chair of the Stop The Hate program. “It made me really think about the words that people say, and the tones that people use, and how much that actually does matter in every interaction that we have,” says finalist Samuel Oguntoyinbo, a senior at Solon High School [pictured].

Akron singer/songwriter Zach Friedhof was inspired by his stays in Wyoming to write a double album, Shaila, exploring nature in each of the seasons. He’s doing four different release shows, one devoted to each season. Sat 3/23 & Sun 3/24, Thu 3/28 & Fri 3/29
Read more picks by Anastasia Pantsios here

WED 3/20
Photography After the Camera, current on view at the Cleveland Museum of Art, looks at the work of photographers whose process only begins with the clicking shutter. Cleveland artist Christopher Pekoc is one of those, and he speaks on the subject at the museum today.
Click here for more events on Wed 3/20

THU 3/21
The True Cost of Fashion, screening at the Capitol Theatre, explores how the taste of cheap “fast fashion” has impacted the environment and human rights around the globe. It’s hosted by local designer Valerie Mayen to kick off her “Hi, Fashion” sustainable fashion event at Gordon Square this weekend.
Click here for more events on Thu 3/21

FRI 3/22
As part of Xtinguish, a series of events around the 50th anniversary of the famous Cuyahoga River Fire, the Magalen in Slavic Village hosts a conversation called Crossings which explores the contributions of the various peoples who have settled in the region.
Click here for more events on Fri 3/22

SAT 3/23
The Cleveland Public Library opens a special exhibit called The World of Puppets: From Stage to Screen today. And it celebrates with a day filled with performances, workshops, talks and crafts for both kids and adults. It runs through Sat 11/30.
Click here for more events on Sat 3/23

SUN 3/24
Cleveland Public Theatre is always searching for new ways to develop and present theater and use it to explore issues in the community and the world. They’re hosting a 2019-2020 season announcement at Luxe in Gordon Square to share where they’re headed next. There’s an afterparty at Superelectric Pinball too!
Click here for more events on Sun 3/24

MON 3/25
We’ve heard a lot about the threat of the Asian carp invasion to the Great Lakes. Environmental journalist Andrew Reeves has written a book on the subject, and he’ll share some of his knowledge at the Hudson Library & Historical Society.
Click here for more events on Mon 3/25

TUE 3/26
The late Daniel Thompson was a real poet of the people who wrote about street life and never hesitated to help someone in need. The Cleveland bard is memoralized in a film called One Tough Poet, which premieres at the Cleveland Heights Library today and the Lakewood Library tomorrow.
Click here for more events on Tue 3/26

WED 3/27
Soul singer Sharon Jones had given up on a music career until she was “discovered” at age 40 and traveled the world fronting her band the Dap-Kings. Sadly she died of cancer at 60. The film Miss Sharon Jones!, screening at the Rock Hall, follows both her triumphs and her tragedy.
Click here for more events on Wed 3/27
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Recently, “blending” is the buzzword I think the wonks on Madison Avenue are using and what they would deem as progress on a couple of fronts is clearly evident. The black woman with the white mate is the most obvious and high-profile addition to the lineup…
Read other stories from Mansfield Frazier here
A look back at the last week
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THEATER REVIEW: The Nether @ Dobama Theatre by Roy Berko
THEATER REVIEW: Lady Day at Emerson’s Bar & Grill @ Beck Center by Roy Berko
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Get close,
–Thomas Mulready
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