Learn How to Grow a Lush Field of Lavender at Your Own House

Wed 1/22 @ 7-8:30PM

It’s one of my dreams to have a small field of lavender somewhere, a mini-version of the fabled swaths of lavender in Provence in southeastern France. This is actually doable in northeast Ohio, where many types of lavender are winter-hardy, and I sneak a new one into one of our farm’s flowerbeds each year. Not only are the purple (or blue of white) tipped stalks lovely, but the scent is intoxicating, and the flowers make lovely sachets, teas and bath additions. Some even bake with them!

Want to know more about this lovely herb and the possibility of growing it yourself. Joan Jim and Amy Duxbury at Summit Metro Parks’ Seiberling Nature Realm Visitors Center for “Meet Me In The Garden: Growing Lavender.” They’ll share how they grew different types of lavender on a former concrete dumpsite as part of their mission to use lavender as a tool for education, community and sustainability.

It’s free and open to all. For more information, call 330-865-8065.

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