Hear WMMS-FM History at the Music Box from People Who Were There

Thu 9/15 @ 7PM

The legend of Cleveland’s powerhouse radio station WMMS-FM lives and on  — and there’s good reason for that. Almost never has a station dominated a market as WMMS did in the 1970s and 80s and probably none has ever been as influential in breaking out acts that went on to become superstars. There’s just a lot to talk about.

So the Music Box Supper Club is presenting another Cleveland Stories Dinner Party called “The Wrath of the Buzzard,” a reference to the station’s once-ubiquitous mascot. Guests will hear rare recordings from WMMS’s peak era, along with insights and memories from the station’s program director John Gorman, its morning news guy Ed “Flash” Ferenc, its evening personality and producer/director of its popular Coffeebreak Concerts Denny Sanders, program director Billy Bass who built the platform on which the station was launched into the stratosphere — and launched David Bowie in the process, and David Spero who was one of his original air personalities.

They’ll all be part of a discussion hosted by Vince Torino of Wessler Media, which is producing a six-part audio documentary about WMMS. In addition, there’ll be a silent auction of WMMS memorabilia to raise money to digitize a publicly accessible WMMS audio archive.

The event is free; doors open at 5pm for dinner. If you want to eat before the program, a table reservation is necessary. Go here.

Wrath of the Buzzard



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