
But don’t stop there. Click below for our exclusive video interview with Elisa and preview of her show. Read about The Cleveland Review, Cleveland’s walkability score, the new Writing Knights Press, and previews of Long Road at Cain Park and Tom Evanchuck at the Beachland. Watch exclusive videos of the short-course bike race The Lakewood Criterium, and a new 5K race created by a UofA student. And, yes, you can do it all on your iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch with our new mobile app. Snap that. –Thomas Mulready
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Photo by Elisa Vietri
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When Elisa Vietri moved to Cleveland and crossed over the Hope Memorial Bridge 15 years ago, she beheld the city and said to herself, “This is my home now.” She’s been making photographs of C-town ever since, and now Cool Cleveland and Travel Art are proud to present her first one-woman show, with an opening on Fri 7/29 at Beck Cafe starting at 6PM.
Watch the interview as she talks about how she began appreciating photography at a young age, and how she uses a digital camera and her iPhone to make images that define her unique perspective of Cleveland. If you’ve seen Cool Cleveland in the past six months, you’ve seen Elisa’s work. The opening will feature Elisa’s work, a selections of wines and cheeses. Click here for more information and registration for this FREE event.

The Cleveland Review (CR) bills itself as “one part slack-jawed enthusiasm, two parts nonchalant despair,” which seems less a description of an online literary journal than an unusually accurate depiction of what it’s like to be a Clevelander.
CR launched its first issue last January and will release its second installment of Rust Belt literature on Sun 7/31… Read more from Susan Petrone here
Cool Cleveland reaches your customers online. Consider CoolCleveland Sponsored Links and Sponsored Videos. Info@CoolCleveland.com
Click on our SPONSORED links below for your chance to win $300. Find out How To WIN.
SPONSORED: Job Search Help for Tri-C Alums Cuyahoga Community College is actively engaged in the process of reconnecting with its alumni to build an active, ongoing network. Join the Alumni & Friends Association and enjoy the benefits of networking, mentoring, updated job search and resume resources. Plus, look for special alumni events throughout the year. Sign-up now: Tri-C.edu/alumni.

VIDEO: U of Akron Student Founds 5K
Runners of Cleveland Unite! Help Two Area Students Memorialize Friend
Steven “Dobi” Dobranetski loved to run. The young man who grew up in Rayland, Ohio was known by his teammates for his bright spirit and passion for cross country. They still trade stories of his many exploits on the track, including the most famous, where he lost his shoes in deep mud, but continued on for nearly two miles to finish the race barefoot.
Steven left this world far too young in 2008, but his memory lives on in the minds of his teammates, family and friends. He made such an impact on the lives of others that two of his teammates, University of Akron student Sean Tuttle and Kent State University student Jonathan Tomolonis, decided to create a 5K race in his memory. The two young men have been working tirelessly to coordinate the Sat 7/30 event, find sponsors, gather donations and to build a race that is worthy of their friend Steven. Watch the video of Sean Tuttle here.
SPONSORED: Akron-Canton Airport’s customers have been showing them the LOVE this summer. And, now you’re getting some LOVE in return. Head over to CAK’s Facebook page, like them and find out how you can get your very own Peace, Love & Happiness CAK T-shirt. They’re giving them away every Tuesday! Facebook.com/akroncantonairport.

Click here for more News and Biz

The Lakewood Criterium is a short-course bike race around a large city block in the west end of Lakewood, Ohio, scheduled for 1-7PM on Sat 7/30.
Watch the video as Cool Cleveland correspondent Michael Gill talks with Criterium organizer Brian Limkemann about this exciting race. LakewoodCriterium.com.

SPONSORED: Rare and Delightful Gems from The Ohio Light Opera include 4 2011 OLO Premieres: Victor Herbert’s The Fortune Teller, Leo Fall’s Madame Pompadour, Cole Porter’s Jubilee, and Jacques Offenbach’s Evening Wind as part of a rollicking operetta Triple Bill. All in rotating rep thru Sat 8/13. Plan your visit now to this “prime destination” for operetta and musical theatre! OhioLightOpera.org or call 330-263-2345.

Click here for more Cool Cleveland Kids events

Inspired by a spoken word series at Bela Dubby, Southern Ohio native and Mentor resident Azriel Johnson decided to start his own poetry-based evening at the Lakewood club in hopes of attracting up-and-coming writers from the NEO scene. The result is the Writing Knights Press debut event Sat 7/30 @ Bela Dubby… Read more from John Benson here

WED 7/27
Lockbottom Blues & Jazz Club @ LOCK 4 presents free music every Wed in Akron. On Wed 7/27 hear from the Underworld Band. Plus, nosh on great food from Urban Eats.
Click here for more events on Wed 7/27
SPONSORED: This is the year for the Cleveland International Piano Competition, and WCLV will be at the Bolton Theatre with live coverage, wall-to-wall beginning Wed 7/27 at 1PM with the first of the solo rounds, and later that night at 7PM. This pattern continues through the week and into next. The four finalists will play concertos with The Cleveland Orchestra on Fri 8/5 and 6th. And on Sun 8/7, the Winners Recital will air at 3PM. Yes, itÂ’s all live on WCLV. Details at WCLV.com.

THU 7/28
No Sleep Till Blackbird Bicycles are beautiful. Especially those made by award-winning framebuilder Dan Polito. View an exhibition of his process & craft in “No Sleep Till Blackbird” opening Thu 7/28 @ Blackbird Bakery.
Click here for more events on Thu 7/28

FRI 7/29
Fencepiration reception @ Heights Arts Meet artists Carol Hummel & Debbie Apple Presser, the artistic genii who beautified the giant fence on Cedar in Univ Hts. Fencepiration was created w/ all recycled materials, like pop cans & grocery bags. Hear their creative process on Fri 7/29.
Click here for more events on Fri 7/29

SAT 7/30
Family Unity in the Park Free family fun @ Luke Easter Park on Sat 7/30. Event features the largest health fair in NEO, fireworks & a concert by George Clinton and The Parliament Funkadelic! A positive force for Mt. Pleasant.
Click here for more events on Sat 7/30

SUN 7/31
The Human Fund Summer Benefit Concert w/ Small Black and Hot Tuna @ the Beachland Ballroom on Sun 7/31. All proceeds will be directed to the All-City Arts program in the Cle Metropolitan School District.
Click here for more events on Sun 7/31

MON 8/1
Midnight Syndicate premiere listening party Cle’s own Midnight Syndicate has been creating instrumental Halloween music & gothic horror tracks for 14 years. Their music has appeared everywhere from video games to Barbara Walters specials. Hear their new album Carnival Arcane on Mon 8/1 @ The Boneyard.
Click here for more events on Mon 8/1

TUE 8/2
North Coast Entrepreneurs Tenth Annual Beach Bash @ Whiskey Island on Tue 8/2. Pig roast (with veg option), open bar, steel drums & networking on the beach.
Click here for more events on Tue 8/2

WED 8/3
Future Days / The Luxuries / Palindrome @ Happy Dog on Wed 8/3. Haven’t heard of Future Days? You may know ’em by their old moniker — Clovers. Eat a hot dog & listen to their re-named sound.
Click here for more events on Wed 8/3
Send your cool events to: Events@CoolCleveland.com

Instead of writing a paper for a history class, I sat down and read the latest issue of Hootenanny magazine. Most of the famous early mid-’60s folk music artists were in there.
But the article I was most interested in was the one about Carolyn Hester, who was folk music’s first big female star of the ’60s. She was the female face of folk before Joan Baez and Judy Collins… Read more from David Budin here

You see them roll in — three, four, and five deep — usually around 5:30-6PM. Every year, for seven years now, they always come around the same time… and usually from the same direction, from the west, up Dickens Avenue…
Read this story from Mansfield Frazier here
Read other recent pieces by Mansfield Frazier here

A veteran of the Cleveland music scene for the past few years, Perry native and Chardon resident Tom Evanchuck has been working hard at his craft.
First as a solo artist and now paired with his cousin Anthony Evanchuck on drums in The Evanchucks, the folk-blues-Americana artist recently upped the ante with the release last month of an eye-popping three records. Hear him on Thu 7/28… Read more from John Benson here

Have you downloaded it yet? Of course, we’re talking about the new Cool Cleveland app for your iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch. If you don’t have it, get it now… for free.

Quick previews & reviews of recent events
Submit your own preview, review or commentary to Events@CoolCleveland.com
PREVIEW: Market Days are Here by Claudia Taller
REVIEW: Rockin’ Summer – Verb Ballets @ Cain Park by Roy Berko
Comment on our blog here: http://www.CoolCleveland.com/blog
MANSFIELD: In the Land of the Blind The first sensible opinion piece about the street fair/curfew I’ve seen!…
Read the comment from Deb here
Yup, that’s it… glad to see you are utilizing one of brother Art’s rules on race-baiting…
Read the comment from Art McKoy here
This seemed interesting and balanced — until you devolved into the same kind of behavior! A CURFEW VIOLATION IS NOT A FELONY…
Read the comment from J Alcorn here
I’m glad to see that the main point Mansfield seems to be making here is that we need to transcend some of our own racial hang-ups and partisan habits to look at the sources of why these movements are occurring…
Read the comment from Kate Klonowski here
Read and comment here: http://www.coolcleveland.com/blog

Most clicked
Here are the Top 5 most clicked links from last week’s issue, with one more chance for you to click.

2) MANSFIELD: In the Land of the Blind
3) VIDEO: SmartHome Saves 90% On Energy
4) Litter in Cleveland: To clean up our city, we must clean up our act

Capturing our region is what they do best. Kudos to John Benson, Roy Berko, David Budin, Julie Cajigas, Mansfield Frazier, Michael Gill, Susan Petrone, Claudia Taller and Sarah Valek. And lastly, though certainly not least, thanks to our readers and everyone who partners with us. Want to volunteer and contribute your writing to Cool Cleveland? Send your reviews, articles, or story ideas to: Events@CoolCleveland.com.
Take your best shot,
–Thomas Mulready

Cool Networks LLC / 14837 Detroit #105 / Cleveland, OH 44107
All contents (c)2011 Cool Networks LLC all rights reserved