Neighbors in Action Propose a Rock Climbing Gym on W 117th & Clifton Blvd.

Wed 4/2

They’re back! CoolCleveland first spoke with Jeon Francis, from Neighbors in Action, earlier this season about the redevelopment of the Fifth Church of Christ, Scientist facility on the corner of W 117th st. & Clifton blvd.. The group seemed determined to turn the lot into something more than just a parking lot. See Cool Cleveland’s video with Greg Soltis of City Beautiful here. While the original plan of turning the area into a renovated park might be slipping out of sight, the group is countering with, yet another, brilliant idea.

Rock Climbing? Neighbors in Action are teaming up with Chick Holtkamp and Niki Zmij, two avid rock climbers, and integrating the idea of rock climbing into the new development plans. The group has proposed renovating not only the physical features of the church, but also the purpose of the structure itself. The hope is to create a facility that will be a state-of-the-art rock climbing and wellness center, engaging audiences from 5 to 95 years old.

A big twist to the original plans, the new proposal includes the construction of an underground parking garage underneath the repurposed church, which will allow Edge residents to decide whether they would like to use the adjacent space for a community green space, a shopping strip, or even town homes. The entire construction would cost around $3.5 million dollars, but would yield the city’s largest rock gym on the west side, in addition to a profitable business, and 30 to 40 full and part-time positions.

Exciting news! CoolCleveland is looking forward to hearing what comes of the new development idea. We agree that The Edge would really benefit from this sort of facility in their community, and we hope the space turns into something more than just a parking lot too. Thank you Jeon for the update, and if you’re looking for more information on the project be sure to stay tuned to Neighbors in Action, and of course, CoolCleveland.

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