Sat 3/5 @ 6PM
Cleveland loves its Ghoul just as it holds close to its heart the legendary Ghoulardi, the wacky local TV horror-movie host that Ron Sweed aka the Ghoul based his character on. Beginning his TV career in the early 1970s, Sweed quickly developed a character and a set of catch phrases and distinctive gestures of his own.
Sweed rides the nostalgia train wherever there are fans of his show – and there are a lot of them. That’s why there are events like Ghoul Power 2016, taking place at A Separate Reality Records in Tremont. It’s described as “The Art Event of the Century,” which may or may not be an exaggeration — you’ll have to go see.
Sweed will be present, of course, in full Ghoul get-up, while others pay tribute to the Ghoul’s greatness. There will be Ghoul-inspired artwork, a burlesque show inspired by the Ghoul, a DJ playing all the classic tunes associated with the Ghoul, and a three-foot-high “Mini-Ghoul.” Fans are encouraged to come in costume as a Ghoul or a horror-movie creature.\