Sat 4/12 @ 8PM
Mon 4/14 @ 8PM
Cleveland-based No Exit New Music Ensemble features classically trained musicians, many of whom play with traditional orchestras and chamber group, kicking up their heels on something less traditional.
Its latest program, which it will play Friday at SPACES, Saturday at Heights Arts, and Monday at Cleveland State University’s Drinko Auditorium won’t be featuring any Mozart, Beethoven, or Brahms.
Instead, the group will play compositions by contemporary composers Morton Feldman, Nicholas Underhill, Kaija Saariaho, and Elliot Cole.
They’ll be paying Cole’s Postludes, which the group’s director Timothy Beyer says, “are really unique and wonderful pieces. The work consists of eight movements, four of which weʼll be performing interspersed throughout the program. Heʼs written these pieces for one vibraphone with four players simultaneously performing on it using bows rather than mallets.”
Also on the program are a couple of pieces by group members — Beyer’s Amputate IV for violin and electronics and Eric M. C. Gonzalezʼs Pills for solo piano.
All three performances are free and open to the public. There’s more information at the ensemble’s Facebook page.