Miya Masaoka Pushes Koto’s Limits @TransformerStat

Sun 2/16 @ 7:30PM

The koto is a traditional Japanese instrument whose roots go back over a millennium.

Miya Masaoka is not a traditional koto player. She’s been experimenting since the ’80s with melding koto and electronics. She connects her koto to a laptop and processes samples in real time, leading to a focus on improvisation and interactivity.

But that’s not the only way she steps outside the bounds of traditional music. She also works with internal body sounds and interacts with plants and insects. She’s performed live with Madagascar Hissing Cockroaches and honeybees, incorporating their activities into sound and video pieces. Yes, of course, there are visuals too.

As far as we know, there won’t be any hissing cockroaches or honeybees when she performs at the Transformer Station. Still, anyone who goes should be open for just about anything.

Tickets are $20.



Photo by Lori Eames


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