@CleveOrchestra Screens Casablanca for Valentine’s Day Concert

Fri 2/14 @ 8PM

The 1942 film Casablanca is one of the most revered and darkly romantic movies of all time. Its scenes, its characters (Humphrey Bogart … Ingrid Bergman … Peter Lorre), its lines (“I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship,” “We’ll always have Paris”) have become touchstones of pop culture.

Perhaps you’ve seen the film once — or dozens of times. But you’ve probably never seen it the way it will be presented at Severance Hall this week. The film will be projected on a large screen above the stage while onstage, the Cleveland Orchestra— how’s that for a movie house pit band? — will play Max Steiner’s memorable score, interjecting of course the classic “As Time Goes By.”

Tickets are $35-$105.



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