Anti-GMO Documentary to Screen @MustardSeedMrkt

Thu 2/13 @ 6PM

Thu 2/20 @ 6PM

If you’re even somewhat concerned about the quality of the food you eat, you’ve undoubtedly heard or read something about GMOs — genetically modified organisms. This modern biotechnology has been used on plants to create crops that have increased yields, nutritional value, and/or resistance to pests, pesticides or herbicides.

As the use of GMOs has grown, so has the controversy around them. We don’t know what the impact on humans might be, given that the technology has only become widespread in the last 15-20 years. But we do know they can lead to increased use of dangerous chemicals on crops.

The attempts of companies like Monsanto to ban the labeling of products that contain GMOs and the big money they’ve poured into campaigns defeating such laws on the ballot have only fueled the anti-GMO movement. Groups like GMO Free Northeast Ohio have sprung up around the country.

That group is the sponsor of two free screenings of the 2012 documentary Genetic Roulette — The Gamble of Our Lives at the Mustard Seed Markets in Akron Thu 2/13 and in Solon Thu 2/20.

Keep in mind that the filmmaker Jeffrey M. Smith is a dedicated anti-GMO crusader. Some of the problems he blames on GMOs — including infertility, allergies, and gastro-intestinal illness — have not been proven to be definitively linked to them (or been disproven, for that matter.) But the political maneuvering and bullying tactics by Monsanto, a key part of Smith’s film, certainly suggest that there’s something to hide.

No reservation is necessary.



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