Don’t Demolish The Fifth Church of Christ Scientist! Help Neighbors in Action.

Thu 12/19

Support the Restoration of a landmark. Join Edgewater’s Neighbors in Action fight to restore The beautiful Fifth Church of Christ Scientist on the corner of Clifton Blvd. and W 117th St. in Cleveland. The church is the only remaining domed structure on the west side of Cleveland inspired by the Pantheon of Rome, certified historical landmark, and a bridge between the Lakewood and Cleveland communities. And someone has been spotted on site cleaning up. Was it you?

Take action, like no one else will. At this point, it seems as if Neighbors in Action is the only organization fighting for the restoration of the church. The City of Cleveland seems to be doing nothing towards the benefit of the church since acquiring it in 2002, even after receiving $300,00 dollars in funding for the project.

They’re not the only ones. Yes, at times The City of Cleveland could use a swift nudge in the right direction when it comes to these types of discussions, but in this case, they’re not the only one. The Church received Historical Landmark status 1995 and The Cleveland Restoration Society seems to be ignoring its demise as well.

“Too far gone or deteriorated,” is how to The City of Cleveland is putting it, and it may very well be at this point. Neighbors in Action have devised several plans for the outcome of the church and the surrounding grounds, all which benefit the surrounding community.

Get involved. Join the Neighbors in Action with their fight to save the church, or to repurpose the land correctly. For more information on the project visit the organization’s website, and get into contact with Jeon Francis.

Are you cleaning up the church? It seems as if the community activism is taking a step in the right direction. There have been several people spotted cleaning up the church throughout the night, removing the trees(!) from growing on the structure. Jeon Francis wishes to get into contact with you. Follow up with Francis, and help the church not only with its trees, but also its salvation.

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One Response to “Don’t Demolish The Fifth Church of Christ Scientist! Help Neighbors in Action.”

  1. observer

    I KNOW the sympathy,etc.BUT…..WHO WHERE HAS that kind of $ to buy,REbuild THIS bldg…to a point true of number of bldgs…Soon as someone can come foreard and offer VALID PLAN….

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