Womack Family Band @BeachlandCle With Columbus Roots Acts

Sat 12/7 @ 8PM

Northeast Ohio has a wealth of musical talent, so much that it’s easy for the rest of the state to slip off our radar.

The Beachland Tavern is hosting a lineup of bands from slightly beyond Northeast Ohio’s perimeters. It’s headlined by Norwalk’s Womack Family Band. They are fairly well known in these parts from their frequent appearances here since they got together nearly four years ago.

The quartet is known for their accessible rootsy pop songwriting, which all band members contribute to, their diverse influences, and their strong vocal harmonies, showcased on the three albums they’ve released to date.  (They have a fourth in the pipeline for early next year).

And while there’s no one named Womack in the band, they are mostly family: brother and sister Noah and Haley Heyman, Haley’s fiancé Tony Schaffer, (all multi-instrumentalists and singers), and drummer Cory Webb.

They’ll be supported by the Americana-flavored rock & roll of Angela Perley & the Howlin’ Moons and folk rocker quartet the Middle Rats, both out of the Columbus area.

Admission is $8.





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