Sunday Noise Lunch @NowThatsClass Features Cold Music

Sun 12/8 @ 4PM

They’ve got noise if you want it.

Stop in Now That’s Class at 3 pm, order your vegan meatball sandwich and settle in for the venue’s monthly Noise Lunch at 4.

Dan Bellinger has curated this month’s presentation with the theme “Outside in the wind and snow.”

Among the acts celebrating the onset of winter with this particular brand of chilly, unforgiving music are Sam Harmon aka Glacial 23, Petrus+Lull+Rodriguez, 9 Volt Haunted House, Ron Pyrosonic aka Whorlwaver, Hunter Just aka Malware, Bbob Drake, JGuy Laughlin, Lisa Miralia aka Baat, Robert Resch & Amanda Howland, Luna Orange Temple, Wyatt Howland aka Skin Graft and the Cleveland Noise Collective, all performing brief sets.

Sets will be both electric and unplugged, and the finale will feature all the artists together.

It won’t cost you either. It’s free. Have another vegan meatball sandwich!


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