Local Folksinger Avin Baird Release New CD at The Barking Spider

Sun 12/8 @ 7PM

Cleveland folksinger/songwriter/acoustic guitarist Avin Loki Baird has been chasing the muse for quite a while. She’s been in and out and around the scene for years, living in Boston and then returning a few years ago to re-establish herself her.

She’s got a type of classic folk voice — gentle, unforced, kindly. And these aren’t flashy songs; they’re warm and thoughtful.

Baird has collaborated with a lot of the northeast Ohio acoustic and roots music scene’s most talented artists. They return the favor on her new album, Chasing the Muse. Among the people contributing to fleshing out Baird’s new material with vocal harmonies and additional instrumentation are Abbey Blake, Rachel Brown, Steel Farkus, Anita Herczog, Bill Lestock, Charlie Mosbrook, Jon Mosey, and Hal Walker.

They’ll also be on hand for her CD release party, which takes place at the Barking  Spider Tavern in University Circle.

As usual at the Spider, there’s no cover; they pass the hat for the performers and you can put in what you think the music is worth. But of course, you can always buy a CD.



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