@BeachlandCle Presents Holiday Polka Party With Alex Meixner

Tue 12/10 @ 7:30PM

You polka lovers out there should be just about recovered from the three-day Thanksgiving Polka Weekend downtown. And some of you may already be yearning for more.

You’re in luck. The Beachland Ballroom is hosting a Holiday Polka Show, featuring Florida-based Alex Meixner, who last visited the venue in June.

If anyone tells you polka is music for geezers made by geezers and will be dying out shortly, point to young artists like Meixner, who is in his 30s. He’s a versatile and skilled musician who plays multiple instruments, in many styles with many ensembles, in addition to teaching. He’s an accomplished jazz artist.

But he acquired accordion skills and affection for the eastern European culture that gave rise to polka when he was growing up in Pennsylvania. And he’s not averse to flaunting it.

And polka is happy music — it’s like the smiley-face emoticon of musical genres. So it’s bound to put you in a great mood for the holidays. The show’s early so you can tire yourself out dancing and then get a good night’s sleep and go to work refreshed.

It’s also a bargain at $10.


Photo by Chris Spiegel


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