ENDORSEMENT: YES on the Issue 79 for Cleveland Public Library

CPL Deserves Voters’ Support

As Felton Thomas, the director of Cleveland Public Library (CPL) moves around town drumming up support for Issue 79, the 5.8 mill renewal levy for the CPL, he’s occasionally asked about the future of the library, and indeed libraries in general. “People want to know if we’ll still be around in five or ten years, or will the new ways of delivering content and information via the Internet make us obsolete,” Felton says with a wry smile. “But the fact is, we’re more relevant than ever … last year we had 1.2 million unique visitors.”

The last renewal levy for the CPL was passed in 2008, and this one would last another five years into the future. It could raise up to $28.6 million annually for the library, which has a $53.5 million annual budget and allow the organization to continue to operate at current levels.

But with studies showing that close to 40 percent of Cleveland households not being connected to the Internet, Felton stated that current levels of operations would not suffice. “We need to at least double the number of computer terminals at each branch, since there always is a line of people waiting to use one, virtually any time of the day,” he recounted.

Thomas also recounted how a woman who had been turned down for a job because she lacked computer skills was told that she might be able to find help at CPL. “After three months of taking classes the woman reapplied at the company and was hired,” said a rightfully proud Thomas, who sees similar success stories unfold around him virtually every day.

Always ranked at or near the top of library systems nationwide, CPL is constantly assessing its operations and making changes where necessary. When librarians discovered that many of the kids who find safe haven at one of the branches were hungry, a deal was struck with the Food Bank to provide snacks and lunches. “We know that hungry kids cannot concentrate as well,” said Thomas, who has been the director for five years.  Homework Help is available for kids online as well as in person at some branches, and plans are underway to make such help available system wide.

When 3D printing became “the next big thing,” the Main Branch of the library was among the first institutions in this part of the country to have one available for patrons. And tech groups routinely meet at the downtown branch.

When Thomas’ well-liked and much respected predecessor, Andrew Venable, retired, many in Cleveland suffered anxiety (I admit I was among them) figuring that the bar had been set so high no one could be found in the country who possibly reach it. However, I’m thrilled to say we were totally wrong: Felton Thomas has continued the tradition of fine leadership the CPL experienced over the years and taken the organization to new heights.

The Cleveland Public Library has earned and deserves the voters’ support on Election Day.

Cool Cleveland recommends you vote YES on Issue 79.


The Cuyahoga Board of Elections isn’t sending out applications to vote by mail this year. To request a mail-in ballot, go to http://boe.cuyahogacounty.us/en-US/vote-by-mail.aspx.

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