Becky’s Hosts Release Party for ‘The Bastard Bartender’


Fri 9/13 @ 6pm

This Friday Becky’s Bar hosts the release party for local artist Brendan Kelly’s first issue of his new comic – The Bastard Bartender and The Fearsome Fry-Cook.   Kelly wrote and illustrated the comic.

He describes the first storyline:

“A morally-gray bartender with a powerful bottle opener, teams up with his laborer roommate and a fry-cook from the future to drink beer and play video games. The bartender reluctantly learns to harness the powers of his mysterious bottle opener.  The fry-cook’s origins are explained as we learn that the trio is being pursued by a clandestine government agency.”

Just $4 gets you a signed copy of issue #1!  Kelly and cover artist Joseph Schubach will be on-hand signing copies and displaying/selling other prints – including Kelly’s ads for Becky’s Bar.

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