Summer’s too short and too nice to waste to have only one summer party. So the Cleveland Museum of Art, whose Summer Solstice event in June attracts thousands of celebrants, is offering “a fiesta of tropical music and dance” called Mix: Caliente.
Taking place on the building’s south terrace, it’ll feature recorded music by DJ Longo and live music from Cleveland’s Grupo Son Gitano, which fuses music from Spain, Puerto Rico, South America, and the U.S.
Tropical Cleveland will be on hand to provide dancing — from showcasing experienced dancers to get beginners in the swing of things. Sultry Latin cocktails will be available to help them get over their initial shyness.
The event will also offer a chance to check out the Latin American art in the newly opened north wing galleries.
Tickets are $8 in advance, $10 day of event. Members are free. Reservations are recommended.