Fri 3/22 @ 8PM
If you missed them at the Beachland in February, you’ve got another chance to catch Cincinnati’s Rumpke Mountain Boys tonight at the Kent Stage. Like many jam bands — including the genre’s granddaddy, the Grateful Dead — they have roots in bluegrass, a musical style that combines impressive musicianship with a low-key, down-home aura that jam-band fans love.
The RMB call their version of jammin’ bluegrass music “infamous trashgrass,” a sly tribute to their namesake, the Rumpke Sanitary Landfill, just north of Cincinnati. After more than a decade together, the group has established its cred where all jam bands do — on the road and at festivals, where it’s been known to do impromptu sets around someone’s campfire. Tickets are $10.