Art Created By Women, Of Women, About Women

Awards ceremony Sun 3/24 @ 2pm

Artist reception @ 3pm

By Josh Usmani

from Woman VI at Lakeland Community College celebrates Women’s History Month by recognizing the artistic achievements of local and regional female artists.  This year’s exhibition, the sixth curated by Lakeland’s Gallery Coordinator Extraordinaire Mary Urbas, is the first dedicated to a specific artist, the late Marilyn Szalay (1950-2012).

In discussing the selection of Szalay’s work, Urbas says, “This is the first year that we’ve dedicated the exhibition to a specific artist. Marilyn showed her work at Lakeland before my tenure, I had included her work in from WOMAN II in 2009. I met with her sister, Diane White-Tira, who allowed me to borrow some drawings and a self-portrait painting to include in the exhibition. A storage unit was filled with rows of framed drawings. At her home, Diane shared with me the piles and piles of unframed drawings, and the boxes and boxes of sketchbooks… One of the inner gallery rooms in The Gallery is dedicated to her artwork.”

Szalay, who passed away last November, received both her BFA and MFA from Kent State University.  She impacted and influenced many young artists while teaching at various colleges and art schools throughout Northeast Ohio.  Her work has won awards in juried and invitational exhibitions at several galleries and museums, as well as being featured in numerous publications.  She also worked as a staff photographer for Southwest General Hospital, the Cleveland Ballet and Sun Newspapers.

Urbas selected seven of Szalay’s works for the exhibition.  She also created a display case featuring Christmas cards designed by Szalay, sketchbooks, personal feathers collected during nature walks and a book from her memorial service. A self-portrait of Szalay is featured on the exhibition’s postcard as well.

Urbas, who has been in the gallery business since 1979, first had the idea for an all-female show in 2008.  In 2009, she began collaborating with the Women’s Center for WOMAN II.  Since then, the two organizations have synchronized the show’s artist reception with the Lakeland Women’s Center’s Women of Achievement Awards.  Also since 2009, Urbas has assisted the Women’s Center in identifying and commissioning appropriate female artists to create the awards themselves.

This year’s exhibition includes over 100 works “created by women, of women and about women” using almost every media and technique imaginable. The all-female roster includes: Judith Brandon, Diana Bjel, A. Nancy Cintron, Forlorn Dolls, Samantha Meyers, Mallorie Freeman, Judy Goskey,  Patricia Swearingen Hecker,  Aunia Kahn, Stanka Kordic, Kim Mettee, Beth Nash, Jamilla Naji, Patricia Zinzmeister Parker, Sandy Shelenberger, Lorelei Skizenta, Betty Skufca, Marilyn Szalay,  Judy Takacs, Mindy Tousley, Theresa Yondo and Jaymi Zents.

For more info contact Mary Urbas at 440-525-7029 or  Visit the gallery online at The Gallery at Lakeland Community College is located at 7700 Clocktower Dr. Building “D”, First Floor in Kirtland, OH 44094. Attend the Women of Achievement Awards Ceremony Sun 3/24 at 2pm, followed by the artist reception at 3pm. Exhibition runs through Fri 3/29 and is free.



Josh Usmani is a 27 year old local artist, curator and writer. Since 2008, his work has been featured in over 50 local and regional exhibitions.




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