PHOTOSTREAM: Sneak Peek of CVSR’s New Brunch Along The Cuyahoga Train


Saturdays & Sundays Starting Sat 2/16

Follow along as Cool Cleveland joined the pilot run of Brunch Along The Cuyahoga on Sat 02.09.13, hosted by Cuyahoga Valley Scenic Railroad. Watch the photostream here.

Meet Conductor Rice and his crew, with a 4-course brunch specially prepared by Creekside Restaurant & Bar of Brecksville.

Check out the amazing vistas following the Cuyahoga River as we relaxed in our comfy seats, and the cool Emerson Dome Car, with it’s 2nd floor deck and bubble top.

Regular runs of Brunch Along the Cuyahoga will be offered on Saturdays and Sundays starting Sat 02.16.13, departing from the Rockside Station in Independence, 7900 Old Rockside Road, Independence 44131


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One Response to “PHOTOSTREAM: Sneak Peek of CVSR’s New Brunch Along The Cuyahoga Train”

  1. Nice deal…able to enjoy countryside,hit up Akron and area and then home…

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