PHOTOSTREAM: Near West Theatre Benefit: You Can’t Stop The Beat 02.16.13


Near West Theatre throws one of the best parties of the year at Trinity Cathedral to raise money for their life-changing theatrical mission, working with kids on the Near West side of Cleveland. View the PHOTOSTREAM here.

Executive Director Stephanie Morrison Hrbek danced with everyone, she was so excited about edging nearer to their fundraising goals and moving into a new theatre space in the Gordon Square Arts District. In the middle of the festivities, Artistic Director Bob Navis announced to the world that he’s engaged to be married.

The event honored Char & Chuck Fowler, who’ve created a $1 million challenge grant to complete the new performance center and create an endowment. Cause for celebration!

Supporters bid on silent auction items, noshed to their heart’s content and danced their butts off.

Throughout the evening, Cleveland City Councilman Matt Zone commandeered Cool Cleveland’s camera for some inspired guerrilla paparazzi action. Any of the “good” photos you see here were probably shot by Matt.

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