Cleveland Print Room Opens Public Darkroom

Fri 2/22 5-9PM

Sure, we love Instagram and Flickr and Photobucket and Shutterfly and SmugMug and SnapChat and…

But we also frequent Aperture Photography & Variety Store in Tremont and love shooting with our vintage Nikon SLR, because the quality of traditional photography is something that an app just can’t fake.

More of an issue is that schools and art centers are decommissioning their photo darkrooms, so it’s become difficult for young people to get the experience in processing traditional photography.

To the rescue comes Shari Wilkins, who, in 2005 sensed this troubling trend and founded the non-profit Cleveland Print Room to keep these photographic arts alive. Now CPR has opened a community darkroom and a program of all-ages, all-skill-level educational photography workshops. The opening is Fri 2/22 from 5-9PM at their location on the ground floor of the ArtCraft Building.

On view is the stunning large-format pinhole camera photograhs of Vaughn Wascovich, on display through Thu 2/28. Stop by, tour the darkroom, become a member to gain access to the facilities, and even make your own “Rayogram” prints in the darkroom.


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