Chase Winter Away at Kurentovanje Cleveland

Sat 2/23 @ 11am – 6pm

The most popular carnival in Slovenia is coming to Cle. Kurentovanje (koo-rahn-toh-VAHN-yay) is an event which connects ethnology, culture, arts, and people from all over Europe. The carnival’s central figure, Kurent, is believed to chase away winter and usher in spring with its supernatural powers.

The Cle fest will kick off w/ a parade at 11am. Then expect Slovenian kielbasa and donuts (krofe), Laško beer, and Eastern European wines; a Kurent costume contest; tunes from DJ Kishka; neighborhood sales (like the Mini Flea Curated Pop-Up); and an after-party at 6pm @ Sterle’s Country House.

Event held in the St. Clair-Superior neighborhood  between East 62nd and Addison Road.

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