Tis the Season to ‘Pull!’ Together…

Artist William Pope.L’s “Pull!” is coming to Cleveland next June, courtesy of SPACES.

If you haven’t heard, for 72 hours straight the people of Cleveland will be called on (that includes you!) to manually pull an 8-ton truck across the city, from Collinwood to the West Side Market. Are you game?

In short, Pull! is a show of strength and can only happen if people team together and get it done. Pope.L is a veteran of Cleveland’s Performance Art Festival, which will be celebrating 25 years since its inception in the Spring of 2013, along with this work by William Pope.L and other performance art related work at Cleveland Public Theatre, Tri-C, Cleveland State University, MOCA, and others.

Come to one of the Community Meetings happening Sat 12/8 through Sat 12/22 and learn how you can Pull! together.

Sat 12/8, 2:00-3:30 p.m. @ Woodland Branch of the Cleveland Public Library

Sat 12/8, 4:00-5:45 p.m. @ MLK Branch of the Cleveland Public Library

Sat 12/15, 1:00-3:00 p.m. @ Lorain Branch of the Cleveland Public Library

Sat 12/15, 4:00-5:45 p.m. @ Carnegie West Branch of the Cleveland Public Library

Sat 12/22, 1:00-3:00 p.m. @ Walz Branch of the Cleveland Public Library

Sat 12/22, 4:00-5:45 p.m. @ West Park Branch of the Cleveland Public Library


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2 Responses to “Tis the Season to ‘Pull!’ Together…”

  1. I CAN IMAGINE THAT sight!….some will come from porches n offer to help…til find out WHA THE $*&@ going on…THEN AGAIN MAYBE they will join in…never know…anyhoots…OTHERS will just LOL n make comments…or just pass by…WEAR jock straps,etc. GET AS MUCH JUNK OUT OF THAT truck as can….BE PREPARED to cops to MAYBE get *$*@ bout it ….DEPENDS On the cop….JUST in case have gas in that thing….WHILE AT it see if can get advertising or SOMETHING out of it….selll some food out of the back…

  2. PUT EMERGENCY flasher ligts on….gonna get *$*2 otherwise…YOU DO NOT want to get cited for being a traffic hazard….

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