VIDEO: Peanuts All-Star Jam 2012


For the past 38 years, Peanuts has hosted his All-Star Jam on the eve before Thanksgiving. This mysterious music aficionado, writer and impresario is always hard to find, but he’s always managed to be where the music goes down.

Bringing together a host band and any Cleveland musician who happens to be in town, and many visit their hometown over the holidays, the All-Star Jam has been a way for musicians and their fans to reconnect through the years.

Cool Cleveland found Peanuts on the back patio of Brothers Lounge in Cleveland on 11.21.12 just before he kicked off the 2012 All-Star Jam. Listen in here to the interview and a sample of the performance.

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One Response to “VIDEO: Peanuts All-Star Jam 2012”

  1. Peanuts

    No it isn’t for charity. Never has and never will. That’s why it is a free event.

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