Mayor’s Ball Supports The Arts

Sat 11/10 5:30-11PM

In what is turning into one of the major fetés of the season, the 5th Annual Mayor’s Ball will be thrown on Sat 11/10 at The Beck Center for the Arts.

Starting in 2008 with then-Mayor (now County Executive) Ed FitzGerald’s blessing, it’s become a way for the community, area corporations, and the political who’s-who to celebrate the arts in a town that is the home to thousands of artists, administrators and arts workers.

In the process, the event supports the Beck Center for the Arts and the silent auction will benefit the Lakewood Charitable Assistance Corporation. Silent auction items include a 3-night cabin stay in Ellacottville, NY and ski rental, Sunset Cruises, Cargill Mine tours, Cleveland sports packages, loge tickets, and much more.

The party starts at 5:30PM with a VIP reception featuring cocktails on the Mackey Main Stage and a cooking demonstration by Pier W Chef Regan Reik (with samples!) while Beck Center’s music director plays the exotic Guzheng.

At 7PM, the ball opens up to the hoi polloi with Mayor Michael Summers presenting the key to the City of Lakewood to Steven Ott, who has served Lakewood in a myriad of capacities, from the Planning Commission to economic development group LakewoodAlive, to the Lakewood Public Schools, Athletic Commission and Alumni Foundation. The raffle will win lucky participants 2 first-class airline tix to anywhere in the US (why would you want to leave Lakewood?), a diamond pendant necklace, fine wines and a state-of-the-art wine cooler. The Samuel-Anastai Little Big Band will entertain.

Tix are going fast: or 216-521-2540 X10.

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