Introducing the Common Seal of the Rust Belt Region

For every person wanting to escape Cle’s Rust Belt image, is another who fully wants to embrace it. If you love being a part of the “Rust Belt,” then you’ve gotta see this. Our friends at Saving Cities recently came up with the Common Seal of the Rust Belt Region (which, they say, is also the first mega-regional seal ever created!).

Want a sticker? Send a note to Take it, share it and put it everywhere.

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2 Responses to “Introducing the Common Seal of the Rust Belt Region”

  1. Greg Squies

    How can I get a sticker of the Common Seal of the Rust Belt Region. The following link does not work:

  2. sarahvalek

    Just send an email to for a sticker. Check out their Facebook page for more info. Hope that helps!

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