VIDEO/Remember Euclid Beach?
Experience the Sights and Sounds of Cleveland’s Most Cherished Park
What is your favorite memory of Euclid Beach Park? I rode the Racing Coasters and Over The Falls, but I was too small to ride The Flying Turns. I remember looking up at it, watching the curving metal tubes, waiting to see them sway with the weight of the free-falling coaster cars gliding through them with my older siblings aboard. My friend’s parents met at Euclid Beach, and even if you are too young to remember, you probably wonder what everyone is talking about. Now you too can experience what it was like to visit Euclid Beach Park.
Watch as Cool Cleveland correspondent Carol Drummond interviews noted Cleveland artist William Kless about the details of Remembering the Sights and Sounds of Euclid Beach Park which takes place this Sunday. View the video here.
While at the event you can take a walking tour, reminiscing where things were located on the park grounds. Experience authentic Euclid Beach memorabilia like Laughing Sal, the Artizan Band Organ, Kiddie Hook & Ladder, Rocket Ship and Thriller care rides, purchase Euclid Beach souvenirs and artwork created by William Kless, and feast on the same treats you had eaten at the park during its heyday.
The 7th annual event Remembering the Sights & Sounds of Euclid Beach Park is this Sun 9/25 from 1-5PM. The event and parking is free and is held on the grounds where Euclid Beach Park was, which is now called Cleveland Lakefront State Park, 16301 Lakeshore Boulevard in Cleveland. You can find out more details at www.euclidbeach.org
The event is sponsored by Euclid Beach Now, The Euclid Beach Boys and Ohio State Parks.
Carol Drummond has been a professional designer for 25 years. Prior to starting her award-winning graphic design studio 15 years ago, Drummond Design, she graduated from the Art Institute of Pittsburgh, worked at a graphic design studio, a video production company, and a consumer products company. She has been an art docent for Mayfield City Schools and currently serves on the COSE Arts Network Advisory Committee. http://www.DrummonDesign.com
One Response to “VIDEO/Remember Euclid Beach?”
Connie Toth
I will hopefully be attending the Euclid Beach Park event on Sunday- as a native Cleveland of 55 I remember the park- it was a great place to have fun. I look forward to Sunday. Thanks Cool Cleveland.!!