(Shaker) Lakes to Lake (Erie) trail

Bikers get ready for the new Lakes to Lake Trail, running from Shakers Lakes to our Great Lake. From GreenCityBlueLake:

“In the very near future, east siders will be able to bike their way unimpeded from the suburbs to University Circle and straight on to Rockefeller Park and the Lake. The city of Cleveland is funded to start building the (Shaker) Lakes to Lake (Erie) trail which will provide an off-road path down Fairhill (through Ambler Park) and will safely get you through the spaghetti bowl of roads at the base of Cedar Hill. The multi-million dollar project will provide new, wider trails, improved intersection crossings at Stokes/MLK/Euclid and repave the aging Harrison-Dillard bikeway. The City Planning Commission promises that construction is set to begin this summer or fall.”


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One Response to “(Shaker) Lakes to Lake (Erie) trail”

  1. Ian Hoffman

    That’s a great idea. While local city officials are improving bike access to University Circle, how about fixing Edgehill between Cleveland Heights and Cleveland. It’s a MAJOR bike throughway, and the road is HORRIBLE, especially eastbound, up the hill from Cleveland to the Heights.

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