Stories of Our Lives: Connecting w/ your authentic self

Sat 5/21 @ 1PM

Spend some time getting to know yourself. Think your life is boring? Dig deeper and uncover your unique story at this mini-retreat hosted by Cool Cleveland‘s Claudia Taller.

The scoop:Stories of Our Lives, a Connecting with the Authentic Self Retreat, commences at 1:00 pm and continues until 4:00 pm on May 21 at North Olmsted United Methodist Church.  During this mini-retreat, we’ll share stories of our lives in the oral tradition, do some journaling to explore life themes, and start to tell our stories in written memoir.  The history of storytelling, examples of good memoir, and ways to get creative with memoir through art and photography will be explored.  Only you can tell the stories of your life, and there’s no time like the present.  The cost is $25 with proceeds being donated to NOUMC.  Please RSVP to Claudia at”

North Olmsted United Methodist Church

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