Saving Lower Prospect Avenue

The Columbia Building isn’t gone… yet. The Cleveland Landmarks Commission tabled the proposed demolition of the Columbia Building until its next meeting on Thu 6/9. The Commission and the design community agree that Rock Gaming hasn’t followed through on its commitment to integrate the casino into the city. The Columbia Building isn’t a dilapidated mess — it recently underwent a $9 million upgrade of its mechanical systems — and could make a nice boutique hotel if saved the wrecking ball.

Read the history of the Columbia Bldg at Cleveland Area History:

Also check out the group Save Lower Prospect Avenue on Facebook.

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One Response to “Saving Lower Prospect Avenue”

  1. Weelll said..

    HOTEL thing..make sense..RENAISSANCE n RITZ PROB.stilll tooo EXPENSIVE…if gonna *$*@ ANYTHING STANLEY bldg….THAT poo thing been THAT way for geeeeeeeeeeeeeez Hooow long…

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