One rainy, late Saturday May afternoon, about thirty people descended to the front steps of Gordon Square’s Capitol Theater, all in the effort to channel their best Lloyd Dobler. Dressed in comfy shoes, jeans and colorful pop-culture t-shirts, men and women lined up and, at exactly 4PM sharp, lifted 10 pound boombox-decorated boxes. Objective? Hold them up in the air for as long as possible.
The pose pays homage to the classic Gen X love story Say Anything, starring John Cusack and Ione Skye. In the film Cusack plays Lloyd Dobler, the vulnerable outsider trying to get Diane Court, the most popular girl in class. Not only is he aiming high, but he has to win her over quickly: by summer’s end, Diane leaves to study in Europe. Additionally, he has to convince her skeptical and over-protective dad (John Mahoney) that he’s the right man for Diane. “What I really want to do with my life — what I want to do for a living — is I want to be with your daughter. I’m good at it,” states Lloyd, winning over an entire generation of women that now holds this right of passage story sacred.
In one specific moment, Lloyd pulls a modern twist on serenading. In a heroic move to woo her back, he shows up on the front lawn of Diane’s home. She wakes up hearing a beautiful melody. As she looks out the window, she sees Lloyd, in a trench coat, sneakers, jeans and Clash t-shirt and, in a hopelessly desperate and simultaneously romantic effort, holds up a boom box, as Peter Gabriel’s “In Your Eyes” blasts through the air and into Diane’s heart.

About half of the contestants were finished at the half hour mark. The boxes, filled with ten pounds of popcorn, contributed to sweaty foreheads, shaking arms and shifting posture. And, after about forty-five minutes, only five individuals were left, including one very strong and determined woman.
Some of the competitors brought a support system, including Nicholas Nagle, who came with his wife Christie and his 6-year-old daughter. “Nicholas found out about this on the internet,” Christie shared. A big fan of the romantic comedy, she was also born the same year Say Anything was released: 1989. With sparkle and pride Christie confidently declared, “I just know he’s going to win.”
Due to technical difficulties, “In Your Eyes” only began to play at approximately 5PM, from a pulled-up car. On repeat, the timing worked out perfectly to the last men standing. Additionally, in a moment as symbolically sweet as the film itself, Nicholas, one of the two remaining finalists, called out for his daughter to stand next to him. Her presence seemed to be the good luck charm. After nearly an hour and a half of demonstrated will and strength, Nicholas beat his only competitor and won the contest.
Not only did Nicholas get the package, but he also kept the real prize: going home with his pretty wife and adorable daughter. Lloyd wouldn’t have had it any other way.
Additional information about Capitol Theater is available on its Facebook page and can also be viewed at http:///ClevelandCinemas.com.
Alex Sukhoy, a globally-networked creative and business professional with nearly 20 years of corporate management experience, is founder and manager of Creative Cadence LLC, a growth planning, career development and original content agency. Alex teaches screenwriting at Tri-C and, in 2006, she was profiled in BusinessWeek.com.
Her novellas, Chatroom to Bedroom: Chicago and Chatroom to Bedroom: Rochester, New York, are currently available on Amazon. Alex is currently writing two new relationship books: The Dating GPS™, with childhood friend Anita Myers, and Diary of the Dumped™, a solo project.
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